Chapter 14- Demons of The Past

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Demons of The Past
Arieon's POV

Demons of The PastArieon's POV

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I was borderline drunk.
The 'I can still walk but I see three of everything.' borderline drunk.

I've been like this many times before.
Where I'll remember how I got home, but not how I got out of the car, I'll remember that I got into my bedroom, but not how I changed my clothes.

My favorite kind of drunk.
Was that just drunk or is it still on the edge.

I mean I'd class not remembering a single fück as drunk, everyone would, right?

"Arieon. Get up, I gotta get you home." Josh chuckled in my ear. He was borderline too.

I had snuck away from my bodyguard Julius at a house party I had went to with my boyfriend, Josh, and my best friend, Mia.

I was in Josh's car now and we had an epic scene of car sex in the backseat. We were just laying in together now.

"No." I laughed as I kissed him, "I love you."
"I know, I love you." He whispered.

There was a loud noise like the sound of glass breaking and suddenly I was out of the car.

"Time to go Arieon." Dominic huffed.

"No. No." I protested.

"Stay away from her-" was all I heard until I was pulled into a car.

"Don't hit him!" I sobbed.
I was crying now, full on bawling.
I blame the alcohol.

"Why shouldn't Dom hit him?! Huh Arieon! Why? He's been flirting around with girls all the time, he just uses you." Giovanni screamed at me.

I jumped awake.

I scrambled to sit up and I was hyperventilating.
I got up from the bed feverishly and stumbled past it. I fell when I got to the end.

Calm down kid calm down.

"Dellucci. Hey Dellucci. Fuck." I heard a voice but I couldn't put a name to it until the person came into view.

"It's alright. It was just a dream." Luca said as I felt myself being pulled up.

I closed my eyes and took slower breaths as I resisted his efforts to get me to my feet.

It's a dream that holds so much.
I could have felt Josh's hands on my face, his kisses, his embrace. I shook my head so desperately wanting the memories to fall out of my head.

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