02| The Beginning

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A scene in the chapter might include a mature theme.

I tried to keep it as PG-13 as I could.

Just a caution.

Now back to the story...

Emily Rose

Parker never brought up what happened at my parents' house during spring break to anyone- not even me. And for that I'm thankful.

Getting caught by your best friend making out in your parents' driveway is not what you want to worry about twenty-four seven. And plus, it makes it more comfortable for me to text Tomas and not feel guilty for it.

The past is in the past as many would like to say and I think Parker agrees too.

Speaking of Parker...

"Hey Park, you good?" I shouted as I stuck my head outside the bathroom door.

Last week, Parker and I graduated from college.

After graduation, when our parents had brought us home, they asked us what were we going to do with our degrees. I don't know what Parker told his but I told my parents that I had an internship for a wedding planning shop downtown.

I think I want to go into wedding planning.

Parker hasn't told me what he's decided to do.

Now that I think of it, Parker has been quiet ever since we got home from college.

"Park? Parker! Parker Bowmen?!"

I groan and storm my way out of the bathroom and into Parker's bedroom.

Parker laid on his neatly made bed, texting away on his phone.

His eyebrows were furrowed as his fingers typed ferociously against his phone.

"Hello?! Can you hear me?!" I said impatiently, putting by hands on my hips.

"I heard you, Polar Bear. I just decided not to answer." He replied, typing a couple words on his phone before turning it off and placing it on the bed. He looked up at me and grimaced, "is that what you're wearing?"

I looked down at myself. I wore a simple shirt and a pair of jeans. I shrugged, "what's wrong? It's just a graduation party, I don't see the big deal."

Parker tisked and got up from his bed, he stood in front of me, towering over my small 5'5 height with his 6'1.

Parker lightly grabbed me by the shoulders and turned me around, then he pushed me out of the door and into Cameron's room, which was down the hall.

Cameron was at her desk, writing something when Parker and I busted into her room.

"Park, what did I say about fucking knocking." Cameron growled at him but continued to write.

"This is an emergency,"

Cameron groaned and turned around. She looked at me and grimaced. "Shit, what the fuck is on her body."

Parker nodded. "I know right, I said the same thing."

"Dear God, did she pick up at a landfill or something."

"Yeah, I need you to fix her. We're going to a party and she is not going out looking like that."

"Guys, I'm standing right here!" I shouted over their insulting voices.

The Love That Is Parker BowmenWhere stories live. Discover now