17| Danger

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Emily Rose

"Wooaahhh, slow down." I yelled as my hands clenched onto Parker's arms.

"Emmie, we haven't moved, yet. We're still on the carpet." Parker said, his eyebrow raised in amusement.

Heat rushes up to my cheeks, "shut up, you're moving too fast."

Parker chuckles before rolling his eyes, "yeah, sure I am."

"Not funny." I grumbled, but Parker just shook his head and began to shuffle his feet, causing us to glide against the ground.

And by glade, I mean me holding on to dear life as Parker tried to not have us both make a fool out of ourselves.

"Emmie, stop hanging on so tight, you're cutting blood circulation to my arms."

"Oh, shut up, will ya'!" I sneered at him and he flashed me a lopsided smile.

A sense of silence ran through us before Parker Parker spook again.

"So... are you ready for me to let go now?"

As my body flashed with sudden adrenaline and fear, my hands clenched tighter onto his arms.

I paled, the feeling of nausea getting to me.

"What?! Let go?!"

His eyes find mine.  "Don't worry, you'll be fine."

"You're trying to kill me, aren't you?"

His eyes draw together in confusion, before he lets out a loud, smokey laugh.


"I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not."

He gave a half shrug before letting my hands slip from his arms to his hands. His eyes lit like the brightest fireflies. "You ready?"

I bit my lip before nodding.

There's no stopping now, I'm already up and moving.

"Okay... 1... 2... 3. Go!" Parker releases of my hands and I began to stand.

"Oh my God! I'm doing it!" I look down at my feet before bringing my attention back to him. A joyful smile overtaking my lips.

"Hell Yeah!" He pumped his fist in the air, before skating a few feet away from me. "Okay, no skate towards me."

He holds his hands out as he wears a boyish smile on his face.

I began to shuffle my feet, little by little, slowly making my way towards the tall Adonis.

"Almost there, just a couple more steps..."

I began to laugh and his eyes shine in amusement. He shoves his thumbs into his pockets and bites his lips to keep from laughing with me.

Taking one last slide towards him, I end up tripping, falling right into Parker's arms.

We both look into each other's eyes before laughing. And we don't stop until our faces are almost tomato red and the breath has left our lungs.

I have a coughing fit as Parker lifts me up back on my feet.

"We certainly look like psychos now." Parker whispers in my ear.

"And we didn't before?" I cock an eyebrow at him and he smirks.

"Come on," he grabs my hands, "let's go see if we can get you one of those kiddy helper things."

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