11| Control

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Emily Rose

I looked up at Parker's smirking face as I sneered.

"What hit a nerve, Polar Bear?" His eyes shines with mischief.

Okay, that's it!

Instead of my fist going right into his face, I kicked my foot up between his legs, right into his dick.

A breathy gasp come from his lips as he doubled over.

"Fuck." He breathe out, before looking up at me with a smirk, "I knew you wouldn't let me get away with that, still icy cold, huh?"

I rolled my eyes, "first of all, go to hell and second, don't call me, Polar Bear, or I swear you will never be able to reproduce, you asshole." I whirl around and began to back away.

"Where are you going?" Parker asked, his voice groaned out.

"To call to your sister and find out what the fuck is actually going on."

A laugh came out of Parker's lips behind me.

"She's going to tell you the same thing I did."

I decided to ignore the man behind me and walk into my room where my phone was.

It's time to call help.


"Are you kidding me?" I groan, "Cameron, you're supposed to help me, not bring me down!"

I hear a pause on the phone before Cameron speaks, "well hon, I'm trying to give you the fucking reality of life okay? Do you want me to bullshit you?" She asks, small noises go off in the background.

"No." I say, hesitantly.

"Exactly!" She shouts.

I began to pace the room, this not how I imagine this conversation going. "Okay, whatever. But that doesn't answer why I HAVE to be watched, I'm not a child!"  I complain and a chuckle comes out of Cameron's lips.

"Look Emmie, you're not as stealthy as you think you are. We all know that you are breaking, we can all see it. We just want to make sure you're okay." Cameron explains.

I pause, letting her words process through my mind. I took a deep breath. "Okay," I said calmly. "But him? Parker? Why?"

"Everyone's busy, okay. I have to work and my job is VERY demanding. I have to be at a hundred places at one time, we wouldn't have any time to hangout together." She explains and a couple of noises go off in the background. "I couldn't keep watch of you if I was so busy, now could I? And plus, Parker has a free schedule, it would be there when you go and get off of work. He would be able to tell us how you are doing and we wouldn't have to worry."

"Well, doesn't he work? Umm... at a airport or something." I run my hand through my hair, frustrated.

"He runs airports and he can do most of his work on a computer, it's called technology, you know?"

I groan. "Well, what about Colton, can't he watch me?"

"Bitch, weren't you listening to a word I said?! Colton has a life and a job. He can't drop all of that to be at your house 24/7. He has his own bills and car notes to pay. Parker, on the other hand has been living in a hotel for a while, so he can do that." I can't see her but I can feel the eye roll she's giving me right now.

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