27| Future

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The ring felt heavier on my finger as I stride towards the room which I knew could only end with two emotions; despair or joy. I had to play my cards right.

My feet carried me towards the door as my stomach dropped and a rush of nausea hit my every nerve in my body. I took a deep breath to ease my sickening before reaching for the cold doorknob and twisting it open to reveal a laughing Tomas with his parents, who sat in the hospital chairs. Happy smiles overtook their faces as they saw me.

"Emily, how wonderful it is to see you." Fred McCoy, Tomas' father lifted from his chair before walking towards me and giving me a hug.

I wrapped my arms around the older man before letting go. "Hi, Mr. McCoy."

"Oh please," Tomas' mother, Livy, waved me off dismissively, "you know you can call us 'mom' and 'dad'."

"Mom." Tomas eyed me warily.

"What?" Livy turned back towards her son before rolling her eyes and pulling me into a hug and whispering in my ear. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." She joked.

I smiled before pulling her away.

She sauntered over towards her son before gesturing me over. "I suppose that you've been here already?" She asked and I guess it was rhetorical because she didn't give me enough time to answer before she continued. "I asked the front desk, sweetheart."

"Yeah, she was," Tomas answered, his eyes still watching me.

I backed away from the bed and pulled my bottom lip between my teeth before I fiddle with the ring on my finger. "Um... Mrs. McCoy and Mr. McCoy, may I talk with Tomas alone, please?" Awkwardly, I asked the couple in front of me.

They peered at each other cautiously before wordlessly leaving the room and I prayed to any universal force up in the heavens to give me strength.

Silence filled the room as Tomas and I looked at each other.

"You should-,"

"I was gonna-,"

We both spoke before pausing and shaking our heads at each other.

"You first,"

"You first,"

We spoke at the same time again before Tomas broke the cycle by saying, "you first,"

He waved a hand my way, a tight smile on his face. I nodded, rubbing my sweaty palms together before clearing my throat.

"You should tell your parents the truth." I gestured towards the door.

The man in front of me hung his head, his overgrown blond hair hit his rosy cheeks, leaving his eyes covered; not displaying the emotions, I craved to see.

I watched him take a deep breath before muttering an "I know."


The urge to speak wasn't strong enough to pursue a more reasonable agreement, so I stayed quiet and Tomas did the same. I began glancing at the white room around me to help ease my racing mind. White, bland walls. White, bland chairs. White, bland...

As I continued my checklist, Tomas gave a bitter laugh. My eyes snapped towards him.

"What do you want from me, Emily?" he rubbed his temples.

I scoff, my eyebrows furrowed, "what do you mean?" Cocking my head to the side, I rewind the previous conversation to understand where I went wrong.

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