Epilogue| Everything

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2 years later

"Rosey, we need that cream lace fabric over here," My purple-haired roommate, Kenna, flashed me a smile as she paused at what she was sewing to wave me over.

"Got it," I quickly rushed over to the baker's rack and scanned over the millions of fabric on it. My hand trailed over the beautiful material before I found the right one and pulled it out. "This one?" I asked as I held up the rolled cloth for Kenna to see.

She briskly nodded before waving me over there again. "Hand it over, please."

I walked over and handed it to her in which she thanked me.

"I still can't believe it's been a year since we've opened this place up." My other roommate, Quinn, sat down on the top of the front desk and allowed her legs to dangle aimlessly.

I nod my head in agreement, my mind skimming over my past years here.

After moving here and staying with my old college friend, Amber, I met her 2 other roommates, Kenna and Quinn. We instantly hit it off, our meeting was just fated itself.

Anyways, after a couple of months of working at a cafe, I decided to take matters into my own hand and decided to talk to my roommates about opening a wedding business. Thankfully they were all on board and we began creating the business we have today. It's not big but it still pays the bills and it's also fun.

Kenna's mind began to space as she daydreamed about the past. "It was A LOT of work," she chuckled to herself, "but we've made it."

My eyes catch onto the ticking time on the clock and I began packing my stuff. "Gotta go guys."

"Mrs. Folley?" Quinn asked about the woman as if she didn't know that she was my therapist.

"Yep," I reply coolly, desperately trying my hardest to hide my shiver. Today we're talking about closure and I can't seem to figure out if I wanna run away or stick it out. I shrug my shoulders and decide to think about it in my easy walk there.

"It's gonna be fine." Kenna glances up from her sewing machine to eye me carefully.

I flash her a kind smile before making my way towards the front door.

Just as I'm about the leave, my eyes catch onto a familiar set of dark brown hair and similar build to a man who's pending letter was still burning into the pages of a book I stuffed it in after I read it again the night before. Like I do almost every night.

I began straightening out my clothes and remembering the breathing technique Mrs. Folley showed me almost 2 years ago when I started telling her again about the sightings.

He's not here, I take a deep breathe repeatedly. In, out, in, out. One day he will be, but today isn't that day. I remind myself before I open the front door to leave.

"oh! Don't forget we have a wedding tonight!" Kenna calls out at me and I yell back an okay before placing that into my mental calendar for today.


"So... do you and Henry still keep in contact." The older wrinkled woman questioned me as one of her worn-out eyebrows quirked up. Some part of me wanted to believe that Mrs. Folley's choice for this profession was because she loved drama since she's always bringing up my ex.

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