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Emily Rose's Aesthetics. 🔝

Emily Rose

You know who's been acting weird for the past day or so?


Ever since the night of the club, he's been acting quiet, distant. As if he know something I don't and if I'm being truthful with myself, it's strangely pissing me off.

I know from years of experience; a quiet Parker is not a good one.

There's something going on in that complex mind of his and it's everything but sunshine and rainbows.

"Let's go somewhere!" I say as I hit the top of the table where Parker's sitting. A pair of black glasses hang from the bridge of his nose as he studies the computer in front of him.

"Can't, need to work." He answers, his eyes still trained on the computer.


I smile as I slam his laptop's screen down.

"What the fuck, Emily?! I'm trying to work!" Parker screams at me and he finally looks at me, anger apparent in his eyes.

"Finally, you're looking at me. A whole week has gone by and you have been basically avoiding me. Why's that?" I cock my head to the side as I ask him.

Parker glares at me before silently opening up his computer again.

He starts to type before I do the same thing I did a second ago; slam his computer screen down.

"Fuck, Emmie! W-what do you want?" Parker asks me but he's not looking at me.

Actually, he's looking at anything but me.

"Let's go somewhere, you and me. You said you want to get to know me again, let's do it."

"You're being childish."

"Yes, but you're ignoring me and you also need to replace the furniture in my house, that you said you were going to replace a week ago. I guess we both have problems."

Parker rolls his eyes, before groaning. He drags his hand down his face before pinching the bridge of his nose, "if I do this, will you leave me alone for a day?"

"Yes." I answer, instantly.

Parker frowns before standing up and walking over towards his room. "You better be dressed in 10, if not I'm leaving you."

I roll my eyes and scoff as Parker's bedroom door slams shut.

Yeah, right!


Okay, I was wrong.


My head began to pound as I tried to catch up to Parker's moving car.

"Parker!" I screamed, my voice straining as I tried to speed up.

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