15| The Morning After

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Emily Rose
5 years ago

Pain shocked my body.

Everything was pain, but at the same time, nothing was.

"Hello? Have you seen my son?"

"Please, tell me if you've seen him?"

"Please, he's around 6 feet tall and has dark brown hair. His eyes are brown, too. He's in his younger 20's, 21 to be exact. Please, just call me when you see him. His name? Parker. Parker Bowmen. You'll call me? Okay, thank you."

I rested my head in my hands. The sicking tears finally decided to stop as exhaustion hit my body.

This was the 20th time Parker's mom, Charlotte Bowman, had filed a missing person's report.

I'm pretty fucking sure if she files another one, they'll take her to jail.

"Honey," Parker's dad, Adam Bowmen, mutters as dark, cloudy bags hang from his eyes. "Maybe we should call it a day. Try tomorrow?"

Mrs. Bowman's tired eyes snapped towards him, "tomorrow? Tomorrow, our baby could be suffering in a ditch! We don't have tomorrow!"

Mr. Bowman sighed, "he's a grown man. Maybe, he's out exploring somewhere. Or maybe, he wanted some freedom."

"From what, Adam? From what? Is it so bad that he couldn't give us one call, not one single fucking note? NOTHING?!" Mrs. Bowman shouts, her voice cracking into a million pieces. "It's been 5 days, Adam. 5 days is too long." Collapsing onto the marble countertop, Mrs. Bowman weeped heavily into her arms.

I stared in sadness as Parker's father wrapped his hands around his wife before quickly excusing them both and dragging the crying woman upstairs. As they went upstairs, I could tell he was trying to hard not to cry but nothing could stop that one tear that slipped from his eyes.

I took a deep breath as I tried to level my emotions.

It's been 5 days since Parker's disappearance and everyone's on the look out. Posters, calls, everything's being done to find him but the fucker know how to hide.

Rumors have been going around; some say that he's been killed by a secret government cult, others say that he's in Bora Bora with some rich Italian babe. But the weirdest one is that he's been adducted by aliens.

I'm pretty sure the last one is total and complete bullshit.

I slump against the kitchen island.

For the past couple nights, I've been unable to sleep in my own fucking bed, so sometimes I sneak through Parker's open window and sleep in his bed.

It's fucking pathetic, I know but shit, I can't do anything else. Nothing makes sense and truthfully, I don't want it to. It'll just make everything hurt more and I'm tired of hurting.

So here I am, at Parker's house acting as if I didn't sneak in and scare the shit out of Mrs. Bowman earlier this morning.

She thought it was Parker and I can't blame her, I would think it was my missing son, too, if I hear noises coming from his room.

She was soon filled with disappointment when she found out that instead of her son, she found his dumbass best friend sleeping in his bed in her Hello Kitty pajamas.

I snuggled closer to the blanket around my shoulders.

Everyone's breaking in many words them one and un-fucking-luckily for me, I'm one of them.


Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months and surprisingly I haven't left Parker's house.

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