24| Repercussions

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Make sure to read the last chapter before starting on this one.


Tomas McCoy
5 years ago

The party buzzed around me like a shiver of happiness fell my body. After a whole day of studying, this was necessary. The cup of beer hung lazily in my hand as I spoke to the man beside me with purple hair. Maybe it was purple, or maybe it wasn't. The flashing party lights are blinding my vision and every word I'm saying is slurred.

"Yeah, man," he laughs cheerfully as an almost empty bottle of alcohol - whiskey, maybe? I can't remember - is placed in front of him.

I nod along to something I can't remember talking about.

"Man, life is hard." He mutters under his breath and I catch it, "Yeah, it is. What's wrong with you?" I ask.

The man sighs, I think his name is Fernando or something. "It's my sister, she has cancer and... it's getting worse every day. I put her in a good place for it - cancer, you know and the prices are kicking my ass." I nod along finally intrigued by something this man has said. He hesitates before continuing, "dude, I don't even know if I should tell you this... but I started borrowing this money, it's not clean money, no way but it's helped. Now the guys I borrowed from wants it back, and more too."

"Can you give it back?" I ponder and a mirthless laugh fell from his lips.

"Give it back? It doesn't work like that, man."

I don't know what came over me but before I knew it the words fell from my lips. "I can help you."

The man looks at me shocked. "Really?"

Aw shit, I'm in too deep. "Yeah," I nod, "how much money?"

"Thousand, that's it."

"That's it?!" I laugh, "I can just use some extra money I have left over from my parents, it's all good."

The man flashes me a smile before leaving his hand out, "I'm Frederick Dixon."

I grasp his hand and give it a firm Shake, "Tomas McCoy."

"Nice to meet you, Tomas, I think we're going to be good friends."

I smile, "me too."


The stack of cash felt heavy in my coat jacket.

Where are these guys?

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked the time. 10:48. Fredrick told me that they would be here before 10:40. I began to believe that Fred gave me the wrong address to the wrong alleyway before the sound of gravel crunching reached my ears.

"Hello?" My mind raced as I tried my hardest to keep my voice level.

"We didn't think you were going to show, Mr. Dixon." A harsh voice sliced its ways through the ever-present silence.

"I'm not Mr. Dixon," I called out as my hand reached for the load of cash which in the pocket of the oversized coat jacket.

An airy chill brushed past my face as the mysterious man answered, curiously. "Not Mr. Dixon, huh? Well then sir, what's your name?"

I shrugged the feeling of dread off my shoulders. What's the worst that can happen?

"Tomas. Tomas McCoy, sir."

The man chuckled, "it's pretty admirable for you to take the place of a shifty man, isn't it, Tomas McCoy?" I didn't answer.

"Well since you've told me your name, I'll tell you mine. It's Devin Grapples."

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