22| The Truth

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Emily Rose

I stuffed the delicious, cold material into mouth before smacking angrily.

"God, are you trying to break your teeth?" Camara glances at me as she scoops up some of her chocolate ice cream in the small bowl with her spoon before lifting it to her lips and eating it.

My hand clenches around the cold spoon as I take another scoop.

"I just- I just can't believe that he's been behind this." I mutter as I tried to sallow down my enormous irritation, ultimately failing. "How the hell could I be so blind?" I asked myself.

I make sure to keep my voice down, it was unfair for the people in ice cream parlor to have to deal with a woman screaming her head off.

"You know," Camara pauses thoughtfully, the ice cream on her spoon slowly dripped onto the table. "When I brought you here, I thought it would help you cool down, not fire you back up." She giggles to herself.

I furrow my eyebrows, "Camara, this is serious!"

She smacks her lips, and rolls her eyes, "I know. I'm jut tired of your wining, it's annoying. All you're doing is crying about how stupid you are. You're not even fighting." She gestures towards me with a whip of her hand.

"Fighting what?"

She groans and places her fingers on her temples, "shit, I swear you're an idiot." She takes a few deep breaths before answering, "fighting the problem. And by problem, I mean, Parker. Confronting him. Finding out everything that's needed to be known."

I bit my lip. She was right. Moping won't do anything good, it'll only kill me more than this does.

She nodded, "so what are we gonna do, huh? Jump his ass?"

"We?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

She dropped her spoon onto the table, her face scrunching up in disbelief, "yes, we. Who'd you think was going to be with you? Chucky?! When I said I was all in, I meant it."

I shook my head, "nope, you're not coming. This is my fight-,"

"That you asked me to join." She finished my sentence, "so I did and now I'm in this."

I sighed, we could at this all day. "Fine." I grumbled.
"But let me confront Parker on my own, and we'll see what happens then."

She nods before pausing, "should we call his sister?"

"Cameron? Why would we do that?"

Camara shrugs, "maybe she knows something. As far as we know one Bowmen is a backstabbing asshole, why trust the other?"

I shake my head as endless emotions slam into me. Cameron has been a sister to me for years, I'd learned so many lessons from her that no one has taught me. She was the only one there for me when he left...

Nausea hit me and I shook my head. "No. No. Cameron would never keep something like this to me."

Camara reached over and land a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry but we can't take any chances. You thought Parker was a good guy, but look he's not. He knew about the murdered guy. It was in his computer. He might be dangerous, so could his sister."

"I've known her since I was a kid."

"Did you, though?"


We stopped off at Cameron's house after leaving the ice cream parlor. I couldn't stop thinking about how messed up my life has become after one piece of information. My lungs felt as if they were filled with water, constantly drowning me in the pressure.

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