04| Without Him

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Emily Rose

Five Years Later

I sat at my desk, going over my schedule.

So I had to visit Cameron's place for our weekly hangouts, go back home and get ready for Barbara and Kelly's wedding and after party then go back home and sleep.

Speaking of the wedding, I have to check up on their caterer and florist to make sure they have gotten there already.

Right when I picked up the phone on my desk to call them, the assistant manager, Camara walked in.

Camara was a amazing friend of mine, I meet her when I was in college and we just clicked.

When I started by wedding planning business, Headin' For A Weddin' four years ago, I instantly called her and asked her if she wanted to help me. Surprisingly she said yes, she said that she hated her job and was looking for something new.

Ever since then we've grown closer as employees and as friends.

She had a bright smile on her face as she stared at me.

I put the phone down and smiled back. "Yes?"

She jumped and down in excitement before pointing towards the large window besides my desk. "Look outside, now!!" She gushed.

A bright red blush marked against her dark brown cheeks as she run towards the window and began to look outside of it.

I stood up from my rolling chair. "Okay, what are you gushing about?"

I finally made my way to the window and gasped.

Oh my God.

Standing outside holding a large bouquet of white ditties was my fiancé.

Tomas Knox McCoy.

His green eyes sparked as he looked up at the window.

"Girl, you better go down there. If you don't I will." Camara said, breaking me out of my trance. I turned to her and laughed.

Whenever Tomas comes into the wedding shop, Camara always calls him different nicknames, like Hot Account, McCutie or, her personal favorite, MrSteamy.

"I'm going, I'm going." I said before running out of the office.

The wedding planner building was a two story building. The downstairs was a bridal shop, while the upstairs was where the offices and breakroom were.

I ran the stairs and out of the door, running right into Tomas' arms, where he grabbed me and spun me around.

A happy laugh came out of my lips as he put me down on the ground.

His head leaned against mine as he whispered.

"I can't wait to I marry you."

I laughed softly. "Only 6 months left."

Tomas groaned. "Feels like forever."

I wrapped my hands around his neck. "Wait until the wedding then it'll be forever."

He smiled at me and in return, I kissed him.

God, I love this man.


Cameron lived close to the office, so I never had to drive my car there, plus it gave me my daily workout.

I walked towards Cameron apartment, and furrowed my eyebrows when I saw her standing at her balcony.

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