13| Verdict

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As much as I'd hate to admit, not everything goes my way.

I groaned as I stared at the body in front of me.

Blue hair and green eyes.

I'm thankfully that Jason texted me before he left the club with Emmie, it would've been shit if he hadn't, but damn, did he seriously have to fucking knock him out?

I ran a hand down my face, it made things worst for me.

"Parker?! Parker?!" I heard a familiar voice call my name and I turned around.

Storming over towards me with a ferocious look on her face, was the woman of the night.

"What do you want Selma?" I snapped.

Great, just what I needed.

"What the fuck do you think you and your friend is doing?! One more body and this place will be shut down for good!" She screamed as her finger jabbed repeatedly into my chest. "I need this place to survive, it's the only thing I have left!"

I sighed, "I know, I know, okay? You're going to be fine, Selma, alright? The guys only knocked out, no one has killed anyone."

Selma let out a sigh of relief, her hand on her chest, "that's good, because when one of my bar maids said that she saw a body and Jason over it, I could've swear you guys were a part of that."

I shook my head, turning back towards the body, down on the floor. "Nope, we might be assholes, but we're not murders."

Selma walks up and stands beside me, her head cocks to the side. "Is he one of Jason's guys?"

"No, I've never seen him before, and Jason doesn't knock out his men. It could be someone else's."

"Or just a regular person." She looks over to me cautiously before turning her attention back towards the man.

"Doubt it," I mutter my breath before stuffing my hands inside my pockets, "anyways, it doesn't matter. This guy can be useful. He might know something about Peter Pan that we don't know."

Selma's brows knitted in a frown, "I thought you already knew everything?"

I shook my head, "not against them, I don't. That's what makes him useful."

"You shouldn't be using anyone, Parker, that's against someone's self right."

I laughed. "I'm not going to torture him, Selma, that's cruel. I'm just going to talk to him, he has information. I need that information—"

"To protect her." Selma interrupted me. "I know you've been planning this for a long time, ever since Jason told you."

I nodded before turning towards Selma with a confident smile. "I'm going to need help with this man, will you please get some of your bartenders to help me get him to my car?"

Selma smiled, "fine, but one of your other friends is flirt with one of them and I don't think I want to interrupt them."

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