05| Ghost

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Emily Rose

I couldn't move.

I was frozen.

Was everything suddenly hot or was that just me?

Cameron groaned and let go of my hand. "Parker... I told you not to come!" She turns towards him. "And of course you don't fucking listen!" She continues. Her voice getting louder and louder.

As Cameron yelled at him, Parker's eyes never left me. A cocky smirk made its way on his lips as he studied me, scanning me up and down.

My legs couldn't stop shaking. My throat began to close, feeling tight and dry. I started to feel light headed. Everything started to feel sickening, I felt the rush of nausea come to me.

"Miss. Shivers! Miss. Shivers!" I heard a voice call out.

Running up to us was the ring bearer. I think his name was Charlie or something. My mind's beginning to cloud up.

The twelve year old boy stops in front of me, "Miss. Shivers, Kelly and Barbara wants you to do your speech."

I almost forgot about the speech.

I nod my head. "Yes, yes. I almost forgot." I laugh and begin to follow 'Charlie' to the wedding stage.

'Charlie' gives me an encouraging smile as I walk into the stage.

As I get up on stage, my breath starts to shorten.

I take a look at everyone in there assign seats, staring at me.

Standing in the back with his hands crossed across his chests was Parker.

Parker was indeed taller than the last time I saw him, or maybe it was me? His hair was grown out longer and he had a five o'clock shadow. His dark brown eyes seemed hazel under the lighting. He wore a dark blue suit that seemed to add to his allure.

His face was marked with concern as he stared at me.

What does he have to be worried about? He's not the one who feels sick.

Cameron stood next to him. Her twisted a curl between her fingers as her mouth gasped open. Fear inched her face.

I cleared my throat and grabbed onto the mic in front of me.

"Hello everyone." My voice shook and I tried to gain control by gripping onto shaft of the microphone holder.

I took a deep breath. "So I would like to say congratulations to our couple." I gestured towards Kelly and Barbara, who sat in the front, with a wave of my hand.

I tried to look at the couple who smiled and waved at the people clapping for them, but my eyes kept on snapping towards Cameron and my old best friend in the back, who slowly clapped his hands for the couple.

I almost felt sick.

Keep it together, keep it together.

Once everyone stopped clapping, I continued. "When they first came into my office, I could instantly see the chemistry between them." I said as I stared at Parker.

Why is he here?

Where was he?

I quickly blinked away the oncoming tears and continued my speech. "It's great to see so much love in a room." My eyes began to burn from unshed tears.

Why didn't he stay?

I could feel myself starting to break but I kept going.

"P-people who are this in love should stay that way. No matter, no matter w-what-" My voice cracked and tears finally came down.

The Love That Is Parker BowmenUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum