18| Trouble

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Fredrick Roberson's body hung lifeless from the wall of Emmie's living room.

Riddled with bullet holes and blood streaming from every hole in his body, I did my best not to shutter.
Instead I sighed at the lost of a lead, and texted Jason instead.

PARKER: Witness 2 gone. Got a plan?

I shut my phone off as I watched the blue and red lights radiate around me.

This day is just great. Ducking great. 

My head began to pound as I thought about the last couple hours over again in my head.

I walked into the guest room - my temporary room-with my fist clenched at my sides.

I'd already walked around most of the dark house, just a couple more rooms, like the living room and kitchen. I was going to but then I fucking saw something move in here.

I swear I could've heard someone calling my name, but I waved it off.

Emmie was in the car, save and sound. Nothing to be worried about.

I scanned the destroyed room.

The once beautiful sheets were now torn off the bed and into shreds. Paintings fell from their places on the walls, holes punctured into them. Drawers from the dresser were smashed onto the ground, my clothing was scattered around the room.

I drew my lower lip between my teeth. The room looked as if they were looking for something.

But what?

"AHHHHHH!" A high pitch screams sounded around the house and I ran towards it without any other thought.

I saw a light shine as I ran faster towards the beginning of the house.

That's weird. It wasn't on when I got here.

God, please don't-.

As I got closer to the light, the clearer I could see the figure lower towards the ground. Another blood curling scream erupted from its lips and I finally realized who the person was.


I rushed over to her and grabbed, tucking her protectively in my arms as she continued to scream.

"Emmie? Emmie, what's wrong?" My voice shook as I pushed her hair away from her face.

Tears streamed down her face as she pointed towards something in front of us.

I slowly looked up.


Blood dripped from the walls as the man's legs hung down towards the floor. His hands both nailed onto the wall, I almost had to look away.

That when I read the words drawn in blood a cross the wall.

"He that dies pays all debts."

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