Chapter 8

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When I got home, I ran upstairs to my bedroom and locked the door.

I thought my life was over.

Mom wasn't in my life anymore, Dad's getting married to someone I can't stand, and now people are starting to make fun of me.

People never make fun of me. I tried my hardest for no one to notice me but after today in Taco Bell, that won't happen anymore.

When most of my tears were dry, I went into my bathroom to clean up my makeup that was now all over my cheeks.

Once I got in there, I thought of what my old best friend, Alex, would do at a time like this: cut.

Alex isn't alive anymore because she cut too deep. her dad found her on the bathroom floor the next morning with blood all around her. She told me that she always waited until her parents were asleep so they didn't find her cutting during the day.

I broke my razor and started.

One for losing mom. Two for dad and Sydney getting married. Three for all the people who have/will make fun of me. Four for losing Alex.

I saw the blood come out and quickly realized what I just did.

I washed off all the blood, which hurt like hell, then put bandaids all over them.

Then of course, I cried some more.


I couldn't get her out of my head.

Mel is so beautiful, but the only time I saw her was when she was crying.

I hate it when I see girls cry. It's one thing when they're excited to see me but it's another when they have a broken heart. And Melanie looked like she had a broken heart.

My mom calls all of us down for lunch, breaking me out of my thoughts.

It's already 1:30. Damn.

I looked around my room and thought to myself that I did a pretty good job on my room.

I go downstairs and see that mom and dad are done with the living room and almost done with the dining room.

We all sit and eat our food. Everyone's talking what they did to decorate their room, but not me.

The only thing that's on my mind right now is how excited I am to introduce myself to Melanie tomorrow morning.

I know. I know. Short chapter :(

I'm actually typing this on my new computer which makes ME happy.

The only reason why I updated yesterday was because I missed Wednesday and I updated today because it's Friday.

Don't forget that I update Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Almost at my goal guys!!!!

So close to 100 reads!

Ok update Monday!Have a good weekend people!


Ly all! <3333


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