Chapter 28

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Melanie's POV

1 month later 🙌

Today, Brent, Matt, the Jacks, Taylor, and Aaron are finally coming back. This was the longest month ever.

But thankfully, I got my arm cast off yesterday so I could help Nash, Cam, Carter, Shawn, plus their girlfriends decorate the house for their coming home party.( AN: yeah.. They all have girlfriends now. Keep this in mind:
•Nash + Emma
•Hayes + Jessica (duh)
•Cameron + Erin (-.- no choice there)
•Carter + Amber (😏)
•Matt + Ali
•Jack J + Emily
•Jack G + Maddie (hope he had a good birthday ✌️)
•Shawn + Lily
•Aaron + Ella
That's all folks. Continue with the story)

Hayes and Jess didn't exactly help out very much. They were a too little busy flirting. -.-

I helped Cam and Erin, his girlfriend, as much as I could put balloons up around the house. Erin is 8 months pregnant(shhiitttt. My sister is preggers with a Dallas 😱😂) with Cam's baby girl but that wasn't why I was helping them. Cam kept sneaking up behind everyone and popping the balloons and we were running low.

Once everything was up, it looked perfect.

Brent texted me that they would be at the house in 5 minutes. The guys didn't know that their girlfriends were here, so they had to hide.

So Ali, Emily, Maddie, Sophia, and Ella hid so the guys could get their little surprise.

The car pulled up and all the guys piled out.

I told Cam to record so we could put the guys' surprise on YouTube.

Everyone came in, and it was hug-central. I honestly missed these guys so much!

Brent gave everyone a bro-hug thing then came to me last.

I still had my leg cast and the crutches, but I put the crutches down so I could hug him. Plus I knew that he would hold me up.

"I missed you so much, Mel," Brent whispered in my ear hugging me tighter.

"I missed you too," I said wrapping my arms around him.

We hugged for a few more minutes when I remembered the girls.

"Oh. Wait! I need Matt, both Jacks, Taylor, and Aaron to sit on the couch!" I yelled. "Hurry!"

They all sat down, with food, then Can started to record.

"We have a surprise for you guys," I said smiling. "Come on out!"

The girls all came out, and the looks on their faces were priceless.

They all jumped up and ran to their girlfriends and hugged them and kissed them.

"Wow," Nash said. "I think they missed them."

We all laughed and went outside to the pool. Since I couldn't go in, Erin and Emily stayed with me.

Everyone else jumped in and had chicken fights. To sum it up, Jack G and Maddie won and Jack J ended up throwing Emily on the pool.

When Brent got out, he came and sat down next to me.

"So where's your dad?" He asked drying his newly cut hair. Which looked wicked hot.

"Sydney's sister, Julia, was having her baby, so they flew out to Oklahoma for a month," I told him.

"Uh.. Guys," Erin said breathing heavily. "We have a problem."

"What?" I asked getting nervous.

"I think my water just broke..."

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