Chapter 44

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Melanie's POV

It took a while, but we finally finished the biology homework. Who gives that to kids? I mean, who cares about the periodic table?

I walked back home, and Jess was sitting with someone familiar to me but I couldn't figure out who it was. Then I saw that face. It was one of Luke's friends.

Calum Hood.

"Calum!" I cried as I ran up and hugged him. "What are you doing here?"

"The guys and I choose to see Luke," he said hugging back.

Yeah.. Luke Hemmings is my ex-boyfriend. It's kinda a long story..


"Luke! This is the second time this week I caught you kissing the same girl!" I yelled at him. "How can I trust you anymore?"

"It's not my fault. She was hot." I don't think he realized what he said until he actually said it. "I didn't mean that!"

"Yep. Okay. I can't let this happen again, Luke," I said crying.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"We're over..."

"But... I can change!" He said taking my hand.

"You said that last time. I can't go through this again," I kissed him in the cheek then said those last words to him. "Goodbye."

I turned away crying, seeing Calum in the doorway. I ran up to him and hugging him, crying in his chest. "It's probably better like this," he said after 10 minutes of me crying. "Don't let anyone hurt you like that again. Okay?"


(A little time skip in the flashback)

Luke has been worse then normal. He used to be in a band, 5 Seconds of Summer, but after we broke up, he started doing drugs and all that shit. The guys had no choice, so they kicked him out of the band. They were so good together, I feel bad for the rest of them.

•back to normal•

Calum was always my favorite when Luke and I dated. I did use to wonder what it would be like if Calum and I dated and not me and Luke. Even after we broke up, Calum and I always talked. But then his band started getting big, so we talked less.

"So where is Michael and Ashton?" I asked.

"With Luke..." He said awkwardly. "So tell me everything I missed."

"Well, I'm dating Brent Rivera," I said smiling.

"The viner?"


"I've never heard of him."

We talked for a while, catching up with each other. "I still can't believe that you toured with One Direction!" I said.

"If it wasn't for them, the guys and I wouldn't be where we are now. I even saw you front row last year with Jess," he said playfully punching my arm. "I should get going. Michael and Ashton are gonna want to know where I am."

"Okay," I said hugging him again. "Let me know when all of us can get together?"

"Alright," he said smiling. "I'll text you!"


"Is Ashton here?" Jess said running downstairs. She must have gone up when Calum and I were talking. "I heard the door open."

"No... Calum just left," I said.

"Can we meet up with them soon?" She asked.


"Yes! He's so hot!" She squealed running back upstairs.

"Remember! You have a boyfriend!" I called up to her.

"Yeah. So do you!" She yelled back. Wow.

I was about to go upstairs myself when there was a knock on the door. It was probably Brent, so I clearly had to answer.

When I opened the door, I saw someone who I thought I wouldn't see here. At least, not this time of year.

"Hayes? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm here to see Jess." He was wearing a black and white flannel shirt with black shorts and white vans.

"But you're supposed to be in your state! Not Massachusetts!" I yelled at him.

"Shh. I don't want her to know I'm here," he said whispering. "It's our one month and I want to do something nice for her."

"Mel?" Jess yelled. "Who are you yelling at?"

Hayes put his finger over his mouth. "Just a stupid book!" I yelled back. "You know how I get into those things!"


"I wanna surprise her so can you please have her come down?" Hayes asked.

"Sure," I said heading upstairs.

Jessica's POV

I was watching an old episode of Big Brother when Mel walked in.

"Hey. There's something downstairs for you," she told me.

"What is it?" I asked getting up.

"Go figure that out," she said pushing me out of my room.

I walked downstairs and didn't see anything but then someone cleared their throat.

"Hey, Jessica," Hayes said.

"Hayes!" I yelled as I ran over and kissed him.

"Will you like to go out tonight?" He asked.

"Sure," I said connecting our lips again.



Wow. I'm a terrible writer.

I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday 😔 I was sick and just couldn't

But you know, meh. We all get sick

Homecoming is coming and only a handful of my friends are coming. -.-

I need a dress 🙊

So yeah. Spanish sucks. Have no clue why brent took it.


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