Chapter 33

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Melanie's POV

I woke up to the smell of bacon!

Brent was in the kitchen making breakfast for everyone.

"You're looking fine in Sydney's apron though," I said laughing. I must have scared him because he screamed and that made me laugh even harder.

"What are you doing up?" He asked me.

"My nose woke me up," I said giggling.

"Well, go get ready. I wanna eat then go on the date," he said winking at me.

"Pushy" I said taking a piece of bacon then started to head upstairs.

I put one my One Direction concert t-shirt that I got last year when Jess and I saw them FRONT ROW. It was supposed to rain today so I grabbed my Nash Grier sweatshirt and put on blue jeans.

I did it easy with makeup today which consisted of mascara and eyeliner.

I went back downstairs and everyone was finally up.

"Hey! The bæ is wearing my sweatshirt!" Nash yelled. Everyone started to laugh considering that he yelled it loud enough for the neighbors to hear.

"Watch it Grier!" Emma laughed. "I'm the only bæ you can have."

"But he calls everyone his bæ," Aaron said.

Brent had made me a plate of eggs, toast, bacon, and a cup of orange juice.

"So can I know where we're going?" I asked Brent when I finished eating.

"Ummm... No," he said laughing.

I went back upstairs to brush my teeth before we left.

When I came back downstairs, Brent was already waiting for me in the car.

I hopped in the front seat then Brent said, "You can't see where I'm taking you."

"Why not?" I asked with my puppy dog eyes.

"Surprise," Brent said. "Here." He handed me a blindfold.

"Really?" I asked with a straight face.

"MHMMMM," he said which made me burst out laughing.

"Ugh. Fine," I said rolling my eyes at him.

He put the radio on and instantly, 'Stay With Me' came on.

"I feel like this song has some kind of special meaning to me," I said to Brent as he started to engine. "Like someone special made me feel special."

"It was me," I heard Brent say under his breath.

"What?" I'm pretty confused now.

"It was at your birthday party," Brent said. "We slow danced to this song but then Luke just had to show up."

"I'm so sorry, Brent," I said almost crying. "I can't remember."

"It's not your fault," he said taking my hand. "It's that dumbass' fault."

After a half hour of singing, talking, and trying to get some memories back, we finally made it to our date.

"Okay, take if off," Brent said happily.

I took the blindfold off and hugged him really tight.

"The aquarium? My dad never took me here as a kid. But he always took Jess. How did you know I've always wanted to come here?"

"Lucky guess," he said. "Now let's go look at some penguins!"

You would think that someone who's going to be 17 soon wouldn't sat that but here we have Brent Austin Rivera doing that.

*time skip ✌️*

We spent at least two hours at the aquarium. We laughed at the penguins, played with a sea slug, and every time we saw a clown fish, called him Nemo (haha. Brents snapchat tho)

Brent's POV

"That was so much fun!" Mel laughed while we got in the car. "Thank you so much!"

"Anything for you," I said happily. "Now to Taco Bell!"

"Where else?" She laughed.

This is why I love her.

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