II. Author's Daughter

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Next day, early in the morning the new claimed Hargeeves house was wide awake. Theresa, being the artist and writer was your basic stay-at-home mom who never cooks and barely cleans the house. But she redeems herself with beautifully done paintings and amazing books that are more popular with female population. 

She woke up before sunrise and went around her new hometown taking Rolf with her to do his business. She picked up breakfast for herself and Blair and went back home to wake her daughter up for her first day at new school. 

Unlike her mother, Blair was never a morning person. Girl could stay up all night and greet the sunrise but if someone wakes her and it is not at least past ten, she could not function properly. When she heard her classes start at seven-thirty all she wanted to do was go back to California where school at least started when the sun was up.

''Morning honey.'' Theresa greeted, but all she got from her daughter was low grumble. Blair rubbed her eyes as she sat down on the chair. 

Theresa was rambling how excited morning she had and how she accidentally bumped in Charlie in town. While she was saying all that, Blair stared at one spot in space, falling asleep with her eyes opened.

''Blair?'' Her mother's voice brought her back to reality.

''Hm?'' Blair turned her attention towards Theresa who sat down in chair next to her's. 

''It started raining, don't forget an umbrella.'' Blair groaned and stood up, taking single apple from the bowl and going upstairs to continue getting dressed.

Once she was finally done with getting herself ready, Blair came back downstairs with her bag slung over her left shoulder. Taking one last look in the mirror that hanged from the wall in hallway, Blair observed her outfit. 

She was never your typical fashion icon. Blair loved dressing herself in regular jeans or bell bottomed jeans matched up with band t-shirt or perhaps dress shirts with ruffles on sleeves. This morning she decided on wearing bell bottoms paired up with Sexpistols t-shirt and black water-resistant ankle boots. Nodding at herself, she put on her leather jacket and took an umbrella from the closet.

''I'm sorry you have to walk, but I need the car for-''

''It's alright mom, I'll survive.'' Blair said and kissed her mother's cheek. Giving Rolf one pat on the head, she finally got out of her new home. Closing the door she heard her mother yell 'Have fun' and few barks from Rolf. Breathing in fresh air, Blair opened her black umbrella and started walking in the direction of school.

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Maybe half an hour later, Blair finally made it on school grounds. Big, red building looked like every normal high school Blair attended in her life. She walked across the parking lot, trying to cut the walking around. She noticed big sign that said FORKS HIGH SCHOOL, HOME OF THE SPARTANS. 

Blair glanced around herself at students passing by and getting out of their cars looking gloomy. Forks' slimy weather made everything look more depressing than it probably is.

Stepping inside, in more warmer air Blair leaned her wet umbrella against the wall where she opened her bag and took out some papers. Her mother went to school's office this morning signing some papers for her and taking Blair's schedule and locker combination. 

As Blair finally learned what her locker number is, she glanced at school's scheme she also held in hand, trying to find her locked there first.

When Blair finally somehow learned where her locker is located, she grabbed her umbrella and was about to walk away from the school's entrance with nose still deep in her papers. As she made two steps, her body collided with another much taller and harder one.

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