VII. Visit

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Dear Alice,

This is the first time for me writing you an email. I know you probably won't reply back, but I need to to this. I got the idea from Bella few months ago but I actually didn't have enough balls to do it. How are you? How's your family? How's Jasper? I miss him terribly, every day even more that the previous. When he left I was heartbroken and mad- scratch that, I was furious. But now, five and a half months later I'm just devastated, and still heartbroken. I thought I could forget about him, but today the feeling of missing him really hit me. Did you know that today was the exact day when he followed me home when it rained, that day when I forgot my umbrella. Yeah, that was just a year ago but to me it seems like it's been much longer. 

I miss you all, I miss him, I miss you. Please tell him I still love him and that I'm hoping he is truly happy, because he deserves to be. Just please, I'm begging you, don't visit me when I get old. It'll kill me.

With much love,


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 Blair made her way through deep forest. She was alone, she wanted to be alone. All feelings inside of her collided and currently she's feeling empty with a dash of grief.

It was a peaceful Saturday morning, she had her breakfast with Bella and they chatted for about thirty minutes. It was rather refreshing for two girls to talk with each other. Despite living together, Blair and Bella don't see each other that often.

Bella drives her truck to school every morning while Blair walks. Not that she doesn't want to ride with Bella, but Blair likes to be with her thoughts so early in the morning. Luke offered her a ride few times but she declined. While they're at school two girls share only one class together but Bella sits on her seat at the back of the classroom, whilst Blair sits with Mike .

After school Bella always seems to run away somewhere, Blair is glad she's not brooding over Edward anymore, it took her some time but she's happy again. Blair spends her afternoons at Andrew's house. She let him keep Rolf, telling him how it was already a bit too crowded at Swan's residence. When in reality, Blair saw how much Andrew enjoyed being with Rolf, they seemed like best friends, like they understand each other.

The two grew closer to each other in the past few weeks.Somehow, they found similarities between them and immediately became friends. Andrew is a natural ray of sunshine for a man, he always knows how to cheer Blair up.

But right now, not even Andrew could cheer her up. After Bella left the house to play with her new mysterious best friend, the feeling of being alone hit Blair like a bag of bricks. She wasn't only thinking about Jasper, but her mother too. She suddenly felt like the loneliest person on the planet realising how everyone she loved left her, and they're not coming back.

That's why she ran away to forest. To get rid of the nasty feeling of being unwanted.

But after some time Blair realised she is in Forks, the town where all kinds of creatures exist. Suddenly the peaceful forest became the place of horror and fear. Within every step Blair took, she felt like she was watched. Turning her head in all directions, Blair hoped she'll see golden eyes. 

Blair was deep in the forest, the sunlight barely touched the ground because of the thick trees surrounding her. If someone or something comes, no one would hear her scream for help.

Blair decided she wants to be alive for her graduation so she made up her mind to go back from where she came from. But then she turned there was someone standing among the trees, not far from her.

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