VIII. Ciao, Italia

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''Never in my life, I thought I'm going to visit Italy!'' Blair said loudly over the noise of Alice's 'rented' yellow Porsche's engine. ''Actually, I never imagined riding in a private jet and then letting my vampire ex's adopted sister who is also a vampire drive me in a Porsche, probably way over the speed limit... In Italy!''

''How much longer?'' Bella asked Alice, clearly worried over Edward. Blair was worried too, but she knew everything will be alright at the end. After all, it's about Edward and Bella, the soulmates.

''We'll be there in few minutes.'' Alice said, not even glancing at Bella. Blair looked at her right and observed the scenery around them. She smiled to herself how her mother would love to see this beautiful view of the Tuscan countryside, she could even imagine her paint the view and hanging it on the living-room wall.

The closer they were to the town's center, the more crowded it became. The streets were filled with people wearing red cloaks and they were all heading for the center of the little town.

''What's up with little red riding hoods?'' Blair questioned as she was looking at the peculiar fashion choices.

''It is the Saint Marco's Day, a perfect day for our kind to reveal themselves. Saint Marco's is celebrating the banishing of the vampires out of the town. And Volturi won't let my brother to do anything like that, he is provoking them.''

Suddenly Alice hit breaks as the street was closed and police stood there signaling her to go back. 

''Shoot.'' Alice cursed, but Bella jumped out of the car and started running through the crowd of people.

''What the heck- Bella!'' Blair yelled after the girl, but Bella was already lost in the sea of red. Blair turned back to Alice. ''Will she make it?''

''Only future will tell.'' Alice said, still looking where Bella was last seen.

''I hate it so much when you say that.'' Blair moaned in despair as she leaned back in her seat. ''How smart was letting her go alone?''

''I'm not sure, would you run after her and make sure nothing bad happens?''

''Me? What could I possibly do if something does happen?!'' Blair asked her vampire friend. Alice shook with her head while looking in the distance.

''I have that feeling that you should.'' She said. Groaning, Blair opened the car door and climbed out, even if she could jump out as Bella did, but she suddenly got the feeling of jetlag.

''Where should I even go?'' Blair asked but as she turned around, Alice speeded away.


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While hurrying through the crowd, Blair apologised to almost everyone she pushed, stepped on or bumped into. She was really trying to get to Bella as fast as she could so she figured maybe a shortcut would help. But Blair forgot she was not somewhere she's familiar with streets.

Suddenly she found herself in a tiny street with brick houses surrounding it. There was no one there and it felt a lot colder than it was a moment ago, it must be because of the shade of the houses which were blocking the sun.

Looking straight ahead of her there was a castle-looking building with no entrance or windows. But suddenly, when the bells announced the noon, Blair realised that the building was no castle, but a church.

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