VI. Chit Chat

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After final bell was heard, most of the students made their way towards their lockers, collecting their thing and heading out of the building. 

Blair slowly made her way towards her locker, silently hoping somehow an umbrella would magically appear in it. When she opened her locker she did not find anything but lots of books, papers and her jacket.

Sighing, she left the books she didn't need in her locker, putting on her jacket and then loudly closing her locker shut. She still could pray her mother thought of her and is waiting in her red car in front of school.

Slowly making her way out of school, Blair suddenly remembered that Tyler owned a van and already was giving Mike, Eric and Luke a ride to school and home. Gasping loudly, Blair broke in run towards the school parking in search of her friends.

The moment she ran out of the door, she felt cold, wet rain drops hitting her head and the rest of her body as she ran through school's grounds. But when she reached parking there was no sight of green van that belonged to Tyler. Looking around carefully if she would spot it, Blair let the rain completely soak her.

Realising Tyler and the bunch already left, Blair cursed under her breath. She was about to take of her jacket to hide herself from rain, but it was already too late. Her face, hair and clothes were already wet as she jumped in running shower. Blinking few times, Blair already accepted her fate to be a wet rat.

Suddenly the rain stopped, but not really. It was still falling hard all round her, but she didn't feel it. As she wanted to curse out of confusion she felt somebody was next to her. Glancing to her left, Blair recognised Jasper standing close to her holding his umbrella above both of them.

''Hello.'' He said, giving the best half smile he could manage to show to shorter girl. Blair seemed confused and with barely any words coming out of her mouth.

''Hi?'' She questionably greeted the boy next to her. Blair turned around to see Jasper's siblings looking at them with the same confusion as her's. Blonde girl, Rosalie had a hard glare facing the human girl as they drove away from school's parking lot.

''I think your siblings just left without you.'' Blair said as she watched the Jeep drive away from school's grounds. Jasper chuckled at her nervous posture as he looked at her.

''I know.'' Jasper said to her mentioning she should take a hold on his elbow while he was holding an umbrella ''It's quite refreshing being in some else's company.''

Blair felt her blood rushing to her cheeks and slight shiver down her spine as she pulled her arm through his. This is the first time Jasper ever let a human being touch him, even if it's not directly on his skin he could feel her warmth.

''Are you escorting me to my house?'' Blair asked blond boy from her History and Literature classes. Corner of his mouth slightly went up in smirk as Jasper couldn't either believe what he was doing.

''I guess I am, Ma'am.'' His courtesy surprised Blair. Her eyes widened at what he called her. Blair tried to hold it in, but few giggles failed her, making Jasper feel like his heart is beating again.

''Alright then, Sir. But I must warn you it is the thirty minute walk.'' She said giving him million dollar smile. Jasper licked his lips trying to relax being so close to Blair.

''I think I'll endure it.'' He said making Blair scoff. 

''What is that supposed to mean?'' She asked him. Suddenly cold wind came out of no where making Blair shiver, which didn't went past Jasper's notice. They stopped walking instantly.

''I heard you assumed my siblings and I are police?'' Jasper said with unamused smirk, making Blair to look anywhere but at him.

''Crap, he already told you that.'' Blair mumbled silently.

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