Interview with @xWashedUpMemoriesx

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Why Do I Have One DIrection's Phone Numbers On My Arm!?


Genre: Fan Fiction/ Humor


Molly's P.O.V

I woke up to a familiar bed. The comfortable bed I slept in for years....... I woke Melanie. She looked up. "Little Miss Molly, did you get boy's NUMBERS?! I hadn't realized. I looked down. There they were, plain as moonlight. I cringed at "Little Miss Molly." That wasn't my style. Mela woke up Luna, who woke up "The Princess." The princess was actually Tiffani, who cringed at my name.

~To read more go to the link above~

What Readers Think About It:

 lmao. i wish this happened to me. :) -Motherfuuukeerr

~Interview Portion~

Q- What is your favorite genre on Wattpad?

 1.) My favorite genre? Oh, dear, this should be really easy, but I'd say fanfiction. :)

Q- What is your favorite thing about Wattpad?

 2.) My favorite thing about Wattpad? Oh, gosh! I'd have to say, meeting my fans, I love writing but meeting my fans are the best!

Q- What is your favorite story on Wattpad? Real Life?

3.) OMG!!!!!!!!! I knew this would come up! My favorite story that I would recommend would be, oh gosh! I don't know! Look at my library! I can't decide!  

Q- What is your hobby?

 4.) My hobby? Eating. I eat a lot of food. I also blog alot. And sit on my bum alot. Do those count? ;)

Q- What is your favorite color?

 5.) RAINBOW! OMG! I love rainbows!

Q- What country do you live in?

 6.) I live in America! Good ole America, but I'll be moving to London hopefully the day I turn 18.

Q- What inspires you to write your stories?

 7.) What inspires me? My fans. I'd appreciate if you'd show you love me by voting and commenting more! :C

Q- What age did you start writing?

 8.) Well,I started writing..... I just turned thirteen, so I started it when I was twelve.

Q- What is your favorite band/bands?

 9.) My favorite bands? One Direction, The Wanted (Hate me all you want.), Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, Cher Lloyd, Ed Sheeran, and The Beatles.

Q- How many fans do you have?

 10.) I currently have 89? or 86. I just think that you should all unfan me because my stories are terrible!

Q- What is your real name?

 11.) HAI, HAI GUISE. WANNA KNOW MY BLOOD TYPE TOO? No, I kid with you. But my name is Jonel Hale. Is that good? That's how you'll fine me on my twitter even tho I don't get on that much.

Q- When did you get a Wattpad? How did you know about Wattpad?

 12.) I got a wattpad about 4 months ago? I believe so, I found Wattpad one day, when I first got into One Direction. I heard about fan fiction and was really curious! So, I searched it up and found Wattpad! :D

Q- Any other accounts you want people to know about?

 13.) OH MY GOSH YES. iiCreative- my best friend in real life. XNoalovesyou- best friend in the Netherlands! We talk like we're high most of the time! But it's okay. She's always there for me when I need her the most or if she needs me. :) Omg, my best friend who I met on here who now has my number, is BRIANNA! OneDirectionLove11, That's her username.

Q- Who is your biggest supporter?

 14.) My biggest supporter? I'd have to say, Noa! Oh my gosh, the time barrier may separate us, but she is my best supporter, my next would be Brianna! She tells me everyday not to give up!

Anything to say to the viewers before the end of this interview?

 Viewers! Thank you for reading this! I love you all and please, don't be shy to ask me anything, just start a chat, pm me, or anything! Please fan those girls, I just wrote about! They are amazing people! They have gone through alot and are very stubborn but lovable!

Anything for the interviewer?

Miss Adreanna, I have had a pleasure doing this with you! It was really fun, and I hope you'll write more of these! 

Anything else people should know about you?

 Umm, I guess I' already put my name out but my tumblr if you ever want to visit, is I guess if you want to full on creep, I can make another FB account to talk with you guys for. I'm a total idiot. -_- Feel free to ask me questions.

Say bye to the people!

GOODBYE LOVELIES! I LOVE YOU! <4 because 3 is too mainstream. XD


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