Interview with @itsasombrero

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Pretty Twisted


Genre: Horror

Summary: Carmen has dreams; but unlike most people Carmens dreams come true. However when you have nightmares of killing people, your dreams coming true is not high on your list of things you want

What Readers Think About It:

Phantaisha : This is intense greate description really good...

MoonlightSanity: This is amazind graphic and the descriptions were really vivid. Good job with that! :)...

KingofThieves: Wow, I love it. The plot isn't cliched, and it's very descriptive. :) Love it.

Broken_Swan_18: Oh my God! This was really intense! i love how you made the plot original and I think this was a definitely good read! Will continue! The deatails were flawless and i loved it! :D

~Interview Portion~

Q- What is your favorite genre on Wattpad?

Well I dont really have a favourit genre, I ususally enjoy reading just about every thing. Though I propably like vampire and werewolf the least as a rule and I cannot abide 1D fanfiction (no offence any one) Q- What is your favorite thing about Wattpad? Probably its being able to get completly honest feedback about my stories. I wrote my book for a school project and so everyone that read it knew me and nobody gave me any constructive critism about it; every one just said really "oh its great" but I didnt know if they were being honest really.

Q- What is your favorite story on Wattpad? Real Life?

That is such a hard question as I've read loads of books on wattpad that I've fell in love with so I couldn't give a clear favourite. But ther a a few authors that never fail to impress me both Knightsrachel and kirsty1000 are amazing every one of Kirsty books I've read have been of such a proffessional standed that's it's amazing, just her style of writing to her plot lines leave me in awe. I loved Living with the walker boys by Knightsrachel it was fantastic I loved every minuet of it. I am currently reading One of the boys and I love it aswell even if I have no clue what going on in the American football bits ( I'm English). Currently a book I'm reading t the moment and love is called the Cheerleader and the cadge fighter are dance partners by princess-rose that is something I'm really enjoying. And the after Britain series by king Britain are amazing too.

In real life it is an Amazing book by michael morpurgo called Running Wild. Its based on a true story and if you haven't read it then you should deffinatly check it out.

Q- What is your hobby?

Well I have loads. I love sports, I play Hockey,Netball and Rounders. I also love running swimming and dancing. I really enjoy photagraphy, art and music. Reading and writing, obviously. And also I Love scuba diving.

Q- What is your favorite color?


Q- What country do you live in?


Q- What inspires you to write your stories?

Mostly other books I've read, films I've watched. Things that have happen to me or people I know. And my friends and family alot of the time.

Q- What age did you start writing?

Well I've been writing stories as long as I can rember, but only started writing properly as of last year, so aged 12.

Q- What is your favorite band/bands?

Theres too many to chose from.

Q- How many fans do you have?


Q- What is your real name?


Q- When did you get a Wattpad? How did you know about Wattpad?

Basically I really love reading and was just looking at book apps on the app store ( I'm addicted to my iPhone) and at about number 10 was wattpad. So I checked it out and it said about all books you could read so I downloaded it. So for about 6 months I just read loads of book and it was really practical. Eventually I became a member in about May and began to comment and vote on books, fanned a few people and stuff like that. I then decide to look at the full site in the computer and went on the clubs stuff like that. This was until July when for my final English project we had to write a short story. I wrote pretty twisted and got really good feedback. So then I eventually uploaded it in August

Q- Who is your biggest supporter?

My best friends, Kajal, Phoebe and Victoria who dont judge that I write horror (lots of people think its weird)

Anything to say to the viewers before the end of this interview?

Well I'm not going to tell you all to read my book and say " you must read my book!! Go, read it now!" Because as much as I love horror I know loads of people won't but what I will say Is that you are sick of reading cliche high school romances and want to try something different or want to push yourself and take the challenge and are mature enough to get over the horror then I would love it if would would read it. Also don't be hugely put of by the first chapter as its probably the second worse chapter in terms of gore try to read on to the second chapter.

Anything random?

Some people call me crazy, I almost fell of my unicorn.

Read out loud

I am





You deserve a pat on the back.

I run with scissors, it makes me feel dangerous.

Whoever said nothing was impossible has obviouly never tried slamming a revoving door.

Always be yourself, unless you can be a unicorn. Then always be a unicorn.

Do you ever get the feeling that you're being watched? Because if it bothering you I'll stop.

And finally thought for the day.

Imagine if the last film you watched was going to happen to you in real life. How screwed are you?

Anything for the interviewer?

Thanks for the interveiw

Byyyyeeeee to the people.

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