Interview with @Yrrebsa

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Title: Speaking Without a Mouth


Genre: Poetry / Non-Fiction

Summary: The book is a collection of 100 poems that I've written from August, 2007 to now, in reverse chronological order. There are a few in there that I wrote the year before, but I'd have to re-sort them. They're all poems about my life, dreams i've had and feelings i've felt.

What Readers Think About It:

"@oniephilips: brilliant"

"@reincarnation3217: I really like how you used repitition perfectly, sometimes when people do that it annoys me but you added it perfectly in all of the perfect places."

"@LostInStereo98: Asberry my dear...ur totally my idol. =DDDDD"

"@courts_x: Love this!"


Q- What is your favorite genre on Wattpad?

Probably poetry. I enjoy reading poetry more than I enjoy reading stories, by far.

Q- What is your favorite thing about Wattpad?

I love that on Wattpad, that people can "fan" you, and I love that you can have book covers. I'm a freelance artist and graphic designer, so I love making covers and art just as much as I love to write, maybe more. :P

Q- What is your favorite story on Wattpad? Real Life?

I don't read many stories on wattpad, the only ones i've really followed is@ChlosterSays' "Operation" series and "I'm Crazy, Like Crazy eyes , But That's OKAY." by@IsabellaRainInsomnia. In Real Life, I still don't read very much but I love The Outsiders, The Giver and Paper Towns.

Q- What is your hobby?

I'm a blogger, and I make ALOT of art. If you go to my Wattpad profile, I have links to blogs i've made for my stories, and they all have a bunch of illustrations. Art has always been my main passion, second is writing, third is music. Right now, i'm in college for Graphic Design, I skateboard, I play Bass guitar, and I'm part of a small business that makes shift knobs for cars that look like Dragonballs and Pokeballs.

Q- What is your favorite color?

My favorite color is Blue-ish purple, and has been ever since I can remember. My second favorite color is Purple-ish blue. Go figure. :P

Q- What country do you live in?

I live in the U.S. of A.!

Q- What inspires you to write your stories?

My stories are inspired by my life, and the characters are inspired by my friends and people that i know. In my story "Sorry, It Was Just Me," I made a character based on@ChlosterSays, who's looks are based on the main character of her "Operation" series and has the name last name as her pen name!

Q- What age did you start writing?

i feel like i've been writing since i could hold a pen, but i do remember my first real writings. In second grade, i wrote my first story, which was a Fan Fiction about the Power Puff Girls where Professor Utonium made me, and my name was Berry and i wore purple. And the next year, i wrote my first poem, which was titled "F.r.i.e.n.d.s." and i really, really wish i could find it.

Q- What is your favorite band/bands?

HIM is my favorite band of ALL time. I even have a Heartagram tattooed on my foot.

i also love She Wants Revenge, Soundgarden, Crossfade, 10 Years,  Joan Jett, The Used and The 69 Eyes. i love all kinds of music, though, not just alternative!

Q- How many fans do you have?

last i looked, i had 53. and i appreciate all of you! thanks!

Q- What is your real name?

my real name is Asberry Ann Quinones-Stewart, i usually don't use "Stewart."

Q- When did you get a Wattpad? How did you know about Wattpad?

I joined Wattpad on April 16th, so i'm still a n00b. I learned about Wattpad from@ChlosterSays, she posted something about it either on Facebook or Twitter. Her and I became close when we were in a Creative Writing class together in high school, and we have even collaborated on pieces before (which i might upload!) so i'll always trust her judgement when it comes to writing!

Q- Any other accounts you want people to know about?

i do have another account, which is a joint account with@IsabellaRainInsomnia called@MoMoMoshi and i have 2 stories on there.@CrazyMouseInk is my little sister. and I love@ViolettaAlexis' writing ALOT so i have to mention her too!

Q- Who is your biggest supporter?

i'm not really sure who my biggest supporter is...

Anything to say to the viewers before the end of this interview?

I hope some of you give me a chance and check out my writing :) fan me if you like it!

Anything random?

i love avocado!

Anything for the interviewer?

i see you like 1D...what's your favorite song?!

Anything else people should know about you?

i'm engaged to my dream boy and we've been together for over 3 years! he's my best friend!

Say bye to the people!

Adios everyone! mina rakastan sinua <3

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