Interview with @IamSiobhan

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Genre: Science Fiction

Summary: Savannah Melli is seventeen years old and wants to move out, the only problem is, she can't. She lives in the future where computers have taken over our way of living. You do all of your schooling on the computer,  your work on the computer and you socialize with people on the computer. You never go outside of your house for anything. The world has become a dangerous place with man eating cannibals, steep rocky cliffs, and two groups of people who have a distinct hate for each other, and much more. Savannah ventures outside and is shocked at the world before her. Join Savannah on her whril wind adventure that involves action, romance, and a little bit of tears.

What Readers Think About It: (reviews so far):

"I love the story. I think you are a great writer and you don't have any problems with describing your characters or where they are at."

You can expect this story to be full of action, suspense, humour, adventure, and a little bit of romance. Basically everything except Fantasy.

~Interview Portion~

What is your favourite genre on Wattpad?:

My favourite Genre on Wattpad is probably Mystery or Science Fiction. So many people have so many good ideas and it's just so nice to read them all!

What is your favourite thing about Wattpad:

That people don't judge other people. I hate it when people in real life judge me when I say I like to write but on here, everyone is treated as equal no matter what and I like that.

What is your favourite story on Wattpad? Real Life?:

My favourite story on Wattpad would probably be "Cut Me Open" by BabyDoll55. I edit it for her and it honestly keeps me on my toes and everything. The story line is great and the suspense is great too! My favourite book in real life is "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins. I know, I know, everyone loves it but I love when she has done with the Science Fiction aspect of it and the writing is great and the characters I fell in love with right away. Except for Gale, never cared much for him.

What is your hobby?: My hobby is writing (duh) and horseback riding. There is nothing like hoping on the back of a horse and galloping down the field with your arms high in the air on the sun on your back. I also watch TV shows and Movies and analyze them and it drives everyone crazy.

What is your favourite colour: My favourite colour is green, don't know why.

What country do I live in: I live in Canada

What inspires you to write stories: What inspires me to write stories is things that are taking place in the world. With Science Fiction, it's easy, you look at our world now and imagine the same world, but in the future. With other things, it's hard. Probably what inspires me is the spur of the moment, you know when someone is talking about something then all of a sudden an idea forms in your mind? That's how "Connected" was made.

What age did you start writing: I started writing when I was eight years of age and haven't stopped since.

What is your favourite band/bands?: My favourite musical people are Taylor Swift, Ke$ha, Ed Sheeran, and The Band Perry.

How many fans do you have?: I have 22 fans.

What is your real name?: Not Siobhan

When did you get a Wattpad? How did you know about Wattpad?: I got Wattpad on August 30th 2012 and I have been using Fanfiction and Fictionpress for some time and my friend   was telling me about it one day and signed me up.

Any other accounts you want people to know about?: I don't want to give out my Fanfiction or my Fictionpress but everything that is on my Fictionpress is on here. For Fanfiction I write for "The Hunger Games", "Scream", "Buffy The Vampire Slayer", and "Ringer". My Buffy is done in all script format.

Who is your biggest supporter?: My biggest supporters are my fans (On Wattpad, and Fanfiction, don't really have any of Fictionpress lol) they motivate me to write more and with their enthusiasm and telling me how I'm doing with writing is very appreciated. After all, I wouldn't be writing if there was no one to read it.

Anything to say to the viewers at the end of this interview: Thanks for reading and I hope you check out my story "Connected" and the other stories on my profile. I have a lot of short stories that are 1-3 pages long. Check them out!

Anything random: The CW network needs to bring back Ringer for Season 2!

Anything for the interviewer?: Thanks so much for letting me do this interview! Sorry, I like to talk a lot haha. Thanks for telling me what Meebo is!

Anything else people should know about you: Nope, well, I know how to spell and I know how to use my grammar. So with that, my works are not full of mistakes.


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