Interview with @wannabealyssaxx

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Imperfect Perfections times Five

Genre: Fan Fiction/ Romance

Alyssa Dawson has been Harry Style's girlfriend for over two years now. She couldn't be more happy with her life because not only does she have the most amazing boyfriend, but her friends and family have also helped make her life pretty much perfect. However, in the habit of everything in her life happening too fast, a simple misunderstanding bringing up many past memories break Harry and Alyssa apart. Unexpected news awaits for both of them when good friend Justin Bieber has some very interesting feelings to reveal. Putting aside, as Harry and Alyssa both secretly try to patch it up together, the lives of the other One Direction boys are also played up front. Tune in for all the plot twists, funny dialogues and fandom that is Imperfect Perfection times five!


@XxHestiaxX : Aha, different because it's always the girl meeting them, then they fall in love half way through, then they fight, and get married at the end! I love how this has them dating for a while!!

@TaylorRawlings: AWESOMESAUCE

@1Dfan2222: awesome :) this is funny. xD harry's like relax! she's just a friend <.< then I laugh oh harry theres many friends of yours!

@Pankti789:@wannabealyssaxx I have finished reading everything up till now. I love Harry and Alyssa and Robyn and Zayn. They're both rilly cute. I also like how Justin confesses but she doesn't feel the same bout him. There's too many good parts to comment on.

@noodlehead1997: Loved it!! Your chapters are amazing and so interesting, they keep the reader fascinated! Woah, this gets better an better an better!!!

~Interview Portion~

Q- What is your favorite genre on Wattpad?

Romance/Fan Fiction

Q- What is your favorite thing about Wattpad?

How I can be anywhere, bus or in bed, and still read amazing stories and talk to the most supportive people!

Q- What is your favorite story on Wattpad? Real Life?

Stupid, Crazy Love by@1DOnlyYou. It's the 1st story I read on wattpad and it inspired me to write my fanfic trilogy!!

Q- What is your hobby?

Errr...being on my phone?? haha wattpad, twitter, bbm!

Q- What is your favorite color?


Q- What country do you live in?

England! Woop woop!

Q- What inspires you to write your stories?

My fanfic is very heavily based on me n my friends n honestly half the scenes and dialogues are stuff that happened that day n I went home n wrote them down! Like we went to a geography trip last friday n the funniest thing happened n I came home n put that in my fanfic. when I post it, all my fans will understand what I'm on about but it was hilarious!

Q- What age did you start writing?

I properly started writing stuff at around 12 xx

Q- What is your favorite band/bands?


Q- How many fans do you have?


Q- What is your real name?

(ps, I don't wanna say that xx)

Q- When did you get a Wattpad?

I got my account sep 22nd 2012 but I've been a silent reader for like 6 months!

Q-How did you know about Wattpad?

my friend told me n got me hooked on stupid, crazy, love

Q- Any other accounts you want people to know about?

nope xx

Q- Who is your biggest supporter?

Probably my 3 best friends who were there since my first chapter but on wattpad, it's gotta be@noodlehead1997. she's the only fan to have voted n commented on every single chapter!

Anything to say to the viewers before the end of this interview?

I love you guys soo much for voting! You don't understand how much I appreciate it! Love u loads xx n keep voting, commenting and supporting me xx

Anything random?

Lol, I love singing randomly!

Anything for the interviewer?

Thanks sooo much for doing this! This is such a great idea to help people with their stories! Love u for doing this xx

Anything else people should know about you?

Not at this moment xx

Bye People!! xx

AMAZING WATTPAD WRITERS INTERVIEWS!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ