Interview with @Lalalaartje

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 All of this past


Genre: Fan Fiction/Love story

Summary: It's been almost twenty years since Liam has had contact with Harry, his ex-fiancé. He moved on and had a pretty good life. But one day, he decides to write to Harry, who is now a famous singer. Dear Harry. Will those two words be able to alter their lifes all over again? What happens when all of their past comes back up, good and bad?

What Readers Think About It:

TemperedGrace: “just in the first fifty words you grabbed my attention. You captured my heart and I’m already emotionally invested in this story. And that’s one of the hardest and most important things to do with a story.”

Zaynsmybloke: “I can’t handle the adorableness! Liam’s starting to want something with Harry but I’m glad they’re patient and taking it slow instead of jumping each other for sex. It was amazing!”


Save You


Genre: Fan Fiction/Romance

Summary: Liam Payne has some saviour issues. Ever since he lost his sister to an overdose, he has a soft spot for drug addicts, much to the dismay of his roommate and best friend, Niall. One day, he brings in this boy who he found in the snow and decided he couldn't let him freeze to death. Will he let Liam save him?

What Readers Think About It:

they seem to like it but I’m too lazy to type them over since I can’t copy-paste from WP…


Q- What is your favorite genre on Wattpad?

A- That’s a hard story to start off with already… I read a lot of fanfic, (like, a lot!) but I also love reading mystery and romance, especially BoyxBoy. I’m a bit of a perv, I suppose.

Q- What is your favorite thing about Wattpad?

A- The fact that it gives you a public for your stories without it having to be perfect. And even more: the people I got to meet there over the past few months. I really met some wonderful people on there and I’m so happy I did.

Q- What is your favorite story on Wattpad? Real Life?

A- The first story I ever read on Wattpad was The Lost Boys by Liliancarmine, and I fell in love with it immediately. Joey and her boys stole my heart from the first chapter I read. I loved Saturday mornings because that meant there’d be an update ready to read  It still is one of my favourites. But there’s so many stories I love on here that it’s really hard to pick just one, even if I split them up into different categories. One of my favourite BoyxBoy’s is My dream boy by Poptartisdelicious, TheWayYouLookTonight wrote some of my favourite 1D-fanfics, and there’s just really way too much to choose… Sorry!

My favourite  books in real life are written by Aidan Chambers. Favourites are Dance on my grave and This is all. Haven't read them? Go find them, read and keep the tissues close.

Q- What is your hobby?

A- I write, obviously  And I love to read, I like sewing, although I’m not very good at it at this moment, just started it a year ago and stopped the classes. Other than that, I spend a lot of time on the internet in general, and with my lovely wife.

Q- What is your favorite color?

A- Uhm, red, I suppose

Q- What country do you live in?

A- Belgium.

Q- What inspires you to write your stories?

A- Another hard question. There’s a lot that inspires me, actually. My own life, my friends, movies, books, other stories. It really depends. Sometimes when I’m doing something or watching or reading something there’s just an idea that pops into my head about having to use it for one of my stories. Like last time, I was driving home from work and Lady Gaga was on the radio, and that inspired me for Niall’s lapdance in Save You 

Q- What age did you start writing?

A- Is it bad that that’s already so long ago that I don’t really remember? I know I’ve always liked writing essays when we had to do so for school, when I was 8 or 9 or something, but I think the first story I took really seriously and got published online, was when I was 16 or 17.

Q- What is your favorite band/bands?

A- Uhm, I guess there’s many you wouldn’t know, I like a lot of Belgian bands, like School is cool, Black box revelation, Das Pop, dEUS, Tom Vanstiphout, Bart Peeters, … My guilty pleasures are Ronan Keating, Boyzone and one direction though 

Q- How many fans do you have?

A- 182. It amazes me every time again when I see someone has fanned me.

Q- What is your real name?

A- Karolien

Q- When did you get a Wattpad? How did you know about Wattpad?

A- 18 July 2011. I discovered it while I was searching for android apps, and I liked the sound of free e-books. Didn’t regret it for a second.

Q- Any other accounts you want people to know about?

A- The ones I mentioned above, and also Theredsushi, Xnoalovesyou, Zaynsmybloke, karmasucks. They’re all amazing people and I love having met them through WP and chatting to them on twitter.

Q- Who is your biggest supporter?

A- In real life: my wife, although she thinks it’s really strange that I like to write and that I talk to so many people I don’t really know off the internet. On WP: TheWayYouLookTonight, Xnoalovesyou, karmasucks and zaynsmybloke, I think 

Anything to say to the viewers before the end of this interview?

If you ever read my story or will read it: thank you so much! I love you all for doing so, and I love it even more when you leave me a comment or a vote. Seeing votes and reading comments gives me the motivation to keep writing.

Anything random?

JOEY DOESN’T SHARE FOOD! And neither do I! I love randomness.

Anything for the interviewer?

Thank you for picking me for doing this 

Say bye to the people!

Ciao bella’s! Love you all my beautiful and tasty chicken dips!

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