Interview with @BYE_Rocker3

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 Hore *A Niam Horayne Fanfic*


Genre: Fan Fiction

Summary: Niall Horan was always the good boy, but after his parents died and he became an orphan, he turned to some bad things for money. Mainly, prostitution. But after a one night stand with a mysterious curly haired boy, will he change his ways?

What Readers Think About It:

OMG I love this story!!! Please please please update soon!! -Niall_Is_My_BooBear


What is your favorite genre on Wattpad?

My favorite genre is Fan Fiction. I do love some Supernatural or Fiction from time to time, though.

What is your favorite thing about Wattpad?

My favorite thing is probably the fact that you can IM other users. It makes the website much more fun-and convenient!

What is your favorite story on Wattpad? Real life?

My favorite story on Wattpad is I Knew I Had To Get You, Whatever The Payne by Miss_Angel, because I'm a hardcore Niam shipper :3 My favorite book is The Perks of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky.

What is your hobby?

My hobbies are kickboxing, drawing, writing, singing, dancing, and fangirling. I also spend a lot of time on Twitter and Tumblr.

What is your favorite color?


What country do you live in?

USA, but I wish I lived in the UK.

What inspires you to write your stories?

Honestly? My mom. Obviously, my idols have a role in it, but my mom has always encouraged me to go after what I want, and when I started reading fanfics on here, she encouraged me to post my own. So I did!

What age did you start writing?

Um, IDK! But I started reading in preschool, so writing couldn't be that far away.

What is your favorite band/bands?

BYE, ATL, Marianas Trench, WTK, P!ATD, Paramore, 1D, FTSK, & The Maine.

How many fans do you have?

Only 68 :/

What is your real name?

Jai. Rhymes with pie <3

When did you get a Wattpad?

May 18, 2012. But I didn't start writing until later.

How did you know about Wattpad?

I've been a Before You Exit fan for a while (since 2010), but I started reading fanfiction recently, and then I went looking for some BYE fanfics. I found 1 on, but then I saw this website called Wattpad! I started writing on here because of@EmieWrenJohnson. She inspired me to!

Any other accounts you want people to know about?

Um, me an@xWeAreYoung's co-writing account,@xRecklessandBrave! We'll be posting a story soon!

Who is your biggest supporter?

It's hard to say. I have a lot of close friends on here, but@xWeAreYoung (Jillian) &@1DTheKingdom (Chey) are both really supportive! My real life friends are on Wattpad and they're really supportive too! :D

Anything to say to the viewers before the end of this interview?

Thanks for reading! I love you all :)

Anything random? my fanfics please! It'll mean the world to me!

Anything for the interviewer?

Thanks so much for interviewing me!! <3

Anything else people should know about you?

I really love Twizzlers. I dislike Directionators. I'm in love with Niall Horan. I have the ugliest hair ever.

Say bye to the people!

B.Y.E.! Hehe :3 Tanks for reading! <----lol, Before You Exit jokes!

Keep LLN(Laughing Like Niall) :P LAWL. Don't mind my weirdness!

xoxo Jai

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