Interview with @finnickfan

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 Twenty One Letters to Niall


Genre: FanFiction

What Readers Think About It:

okay, I don't know what to put for this one! I'm a bit confused :S

~Interview Portion~

Q- What is your favorite genre on Wattpad?

A- Fanfiction, for definite! that's all I ever read on here, and I know that's terrible but hey.

Q- What is your favorite thing about Wattpad?

A- I love the whole atmosphere about it. It's so much better than websites like, or livejournal. It's just so much more friendly and easier to use, and there's so many stories to read. I'm officially addicted to it, omg

Q- What is your favorite story on Wattpad? Real Life?

A- On Wattpad, it would definitely have to be Changing My Direction by forevermystic. It was one of my first Larry stories that I ever read, and oh my gosh it had me sobbing into my pillow because it's just perfect. And then in real life, eerm possibly Delirium by Lauren Oliver. That story is just so poetic and sad and beautiful and just ugh. I love it too much. But I also love Harry Potter and The Hunger Games lots and lots :D

Q- What is your hobby?

being lazy. actually no that doesn't count, um, eating? sleeping? .. I don't think they count either, so um probably reading, writing stories, or drawing. Wow. I sound nerdy D:

Q- What is your favorite color?

A- I dunno! Purple? Blue? Red? One of them, anyway. Or silver. Maroon? Oh fudge, let's just go with rainbow colour

Q- What country do you live in?

A- The great land of tom daley and these five idiots and the ginger jesus *haaallleeeluujaah*

or the Uk, as some people like to call it

Q- What inspires you to write your stories?

A- Music! without it I think I would die. Or go curl up in some corner and never move again. yeh that sounds good you know

 Q- What age did you start writing?

A- I've always loved writing, though until I discovered Wattpad I've never been able to actually get very far in a story. Most of the time I'd give up unless it was for school. But yeah, I've been writing from a very young age I think. My mum found an old notebook of mine yesterday filled with stories about a girl that ran away to live with the worms in the garden because she had killed her parents. I was a messed up kid if you ask me

Q- What is your favorite band/bands?

A- omg, this is a funny question. It's obviously The Wanted

joke, I'm unconditionally and obsessively in love with these five boys who like to call themselves One Direction. Yay

Q- How many fans do you have?

A - I'm not sure, actually. Lemme check - okay, it's 190. Omg, only 10 away from 200. That's more fans than my best friend. Yess *fistpunches*

I'm not very nice to my friends

Q- What is your real name?

A- don't tell anyone but it's actually Elizabeth Windsor. I'm the queen, omg. no, i'm kidding (again) it's actually Georgia. Or Georgie, as my devil of a German teacher likes to call me despite my constant protests that Georgie is not in fact my name. One day I'm going to shove my birth certificate in her face and slap her

Q- When did you get a Wattpad?

A- I don't know that either. I'll go check again - I'm hopeless aren't I? - oh I got it Mar 03, 2012.

that's my violin buddy's birthday, you know. Someone remind me why I decided to play violin. The teacher was called Ting, and he was Japanese and my mum didn't believe me that he was actually called that and decided to ring up school just to check

Q-  How did you know about Wattpad?

A- I heard someone talking about it on a Facebook page, and they gave me the link to a Hunger Games fanfiction. So then I made an account and started writing and then I went insane somewhere inbetween then.

Q- Any other accounts you want people to know about?

A- Oh my gosh, shoutout time. Okay, so MyCarrotBoyLou, who is amazing, BlondeMoments who is also amazing, and AlexisNicole822, who is amazing as well. All of them write beautiful stories, and they're my Wattpad buddies! Also, my best mates Forget_Them_All, Clato4Ever and WifeOfHarryStyles, because they all write great stories and I love them very much. ♥

and forevermystic because she must be some sort of goddess in larry fanfiction *bows down*

Q- Who is your biggest supporter?

A- Ooo, that's difficult. I think maybe TheHoranGames, because she has been my fan and friend from the very beginning, or SparklesStories because she commented on every single chapter of every story that I'd ever written, and that made me so happy. :')

Anything to say to the viewers before the end of this interview?

Sorry if this is terrible but I'm not accustomed to being sociable and saying interesting things. I'm terrible at small talk too, if anyone would like to know

Anything random?


I think I need meds

or perhaps to move into a mental institution

only if they let me take my laptop

Anything for the interviewer?



Anything else people should know about you?

stay away if you want to keep your sanity

Say bye to the people!


that's a lot of e's

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