Interview with @tommoslittleslave

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Title: Let’s Play a Game (1D)


Genre: Fan-fiction/Teen Fiction

Summary: Gwen Parker has been purchased by Simon Cowell, to be "a companion" of his biggest success- One Direction. One of the problems? She has no idea who they are. She has 3 basic rules to follow by, and every intention to break each one.

What Readers Think About It:

“Yayaya this is so good and now I’m really excited ;o yo better update soon!” ~thesamemistakes

“Please update! Omg, I’m so intrigued! Brilliantly Written! :)” ~misseclipse24

“That was good! I can’t wait to see what happens. You’re such a good author.(:” ~Abbey_Rose_21

~Interview Portion~

Q- What is your favorite genre on Wattpad?

My favorite genre on Wattpad is definitely fanfiction, mainly One Direction! :D

Q- What is your favorite thing about Wattpad?

My favorite thing on Wattpad is that it let’s you share your stories with other people, and they can give you feedback. I used to never ever let anyone see my writing, and then I found this site. :D

Q- What is your favorite story on Wattpad? Real Life?

My favorite story on Wattpad... hmm.. it would be Changing My Direction by forevermystic, it brought so many emotions to me it was simply amazing! I finished it in a matter of days, and rejoiced when she came back on here. In real life, it’d have to be Harry Potter for sure. :) I can’t even decide which one of them though. x)

Q- What is your hobby?

My hobbies?! :D Well, I’ve got a few... writing, obviously. I also take ballet lessons, pointe [where you go on your toes] is really fun. :D Sometimes I enjoy running, but other times I’m just lazy, haha. I also tend to consider fangirling over 1D as a hobby, but my family doesn’t. x)

Q- What is your favorite color?

My favorite color would be purple! :D

Q- What country do you live in?

Country!? I wish I could say somewhere awesome like Ukraine or Australia, but I actually live in the United States. Sorry to disappoint. x)

Q- What inspires you to write your stories?

Inspiration.. hm. Well, I really like a unique storyline, so most of the time I just sit down and think and think and try to come up with something. It’s been really tough lately, I’ve never had a ‘eureka’ kind of moment within the last few months so I’ve been hitting writer’s block loads of times, so really no inspiration. I always listen to music when I write, though. ~

Q- What age did you start writing?

What age? Well, I’ve been writing since I could basically write. Hahah, that sounds weird. But what I mean is I’ve always been fascinated by storytelling and such, so as soon as I knew how to form words, I’d make up my own stories. In a serious manner though, since I was about 11. :)

Q- What is your favorite band/bands?

Oh gosh! I love loads of artists, but really my top would be One Direction, Backstreet Boys, The Script, and The Fray. =D

Q- How many fans do you have?

Currently, as I write this, I’m a fan of 21 and I’ve got 1,666 fans. (:

Q- What is your real name?

My real name? Cassie. :D

Q- When did you get a Wattpad? How did you know about Wattpad?

I found out about Wattpad in 2010 via my Facebook newsfeed, so I made an account fall of 2010, but I forgot my password and username and stuff, so spring of 2011 I made a new one. :D

I have since recovered the old account and deleted it, as I had no purpose for it. x)

Q- Any other accounts you want people to know about?

Yes! :D

@needahoranhug is an AMAZING writer, she only does one-shots, but they’re so so so so good!

and@Tommotastic is the joint account I share with Nyrdeegurl, we’re co-writing together. :D

Q- Who is your biggest supporter?

Erm... I dunno... my fans?

Anything to say to the viewers before the end of this interview?

Penguins. :{D

Anything random?

Stay in school, kidz.

Anything for the interviewer?

I love you! *teary eyes, gives you big hugs*

Anything else people should know about you?

I like Leonardo DiCaprio...? :o

Say bye to the people!

Peace out.

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