Interview with @1dfangirling_x

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It was all a game?



Fan Fiction and Romance


Rebecca was olympic medalist, committed to her training. She never had the chance to have a boyfriend.. But there is a lot more to her than what meets the eye.

Harry was a one night stand kinda popstar. Never liked the idea of having a girlfriend. But deep down he had a soft spot.

What will happen when a bet between Louis and Harry brings them together..? Will Harry change his 'no girlfriend policy' for Rebecca or will she realize he never really loved her..?

What Readers Think About It: They seem to like it! They all say 'Update! :D' 'Great chapter! WRITE MOREE' 'That is such a shock! I didn't see that coming'

~Interview Portion~

Q- What is your favorite genre on Wattpad?

Fan Fiction and Romance.. It is the closest thing I have to my fairy tale so far (:

Q- What is your favorite thing about Wattpad?

The variety of stories, there are so many different types of books to read and they are easy to find. The majority of the people on here are sweethearts and have been extraordinary friends(:

Q- What is your favorite story on Wattpad? Real Life?

Well it's not on Wattpad. It is on it is-

Back to December by cherry cola_x

A Walk to Remember by:Nicholas Sparks

Q- What is your hobby?

Well.. I'm not exactly the most athletic person but I have always had a love for arts. I love painting, drawing, writing, playing piano, playing guitar, and I sing :D

Q- What is your favorite color?

Blue all the way! It has always been my favorite(:

Q- What country do you live in?

America! But I lived in Germany for two years (:

Q- What inspires you to write your stories?

Events in my life. My first story was 'It was all a game?' and I started writing in a week after my cousin died. I took the memories of her I had from that and put into writing. I made the character similar to her. She was my inspiration. The story was in her memory. God Bless you Rebecca <3

Q- What age did you start writing?

Funny story (: I had always made little comics and short story whenever I was in class. At the time I thought they were fantastic but I am sure it was awful. Nothing like a story of a frog that was written by a third grader. Haha (:

Q- What is your favorite band/bands?

The Beatles! All the way. Their music is legendary! Although I like One Direction too but their music isn't so my style, but it is still good(:

Q- How many fans do you have?

127! Yeahhh Budddyy(: Haha..

Q- What is your real name?

Ruth Marshall <3 (I am not giving out my last name, sorry)

Q- When did you get a Wattpad? How did you know about Wattpad?

July 18, 2012. To be honest.. I don't know..

Q- Any other accounts you want people to know about?

Nopeee(: Ha! :D

Q- Who is your biggest supporter?

I could name a few people on Wattpad,@an_empty_feeling ,@HollaAtNialler ,@singtomesoftly , and ect. But in real life. I don't know if I have any..

Anything to say to the viewers before the end of this interview?

Thank you for your encouraging words and your love for my story<3 I have also gotten love and prayers for Rebecca from viewers. And that, right there means the most. THANK YOU <3

Anything random?

I have a cat named after Bellatrix Lestrange and my sister (23) has a cat named Luna Lovegood.. Yeah we love Harry Potter <3

Anything for the interviewer?

Thank you for being so sweet (:

Anything else people should know about you?

I am Dyslexic, so please don't judge me if I spell things wrong :/

Say bye to the people!

Kiss for the Mrs's and hugs for the thugs ! <3

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