Interview with @ParisKissXx

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 The Real Daddy Direction


Genre: Fanfiction

Summary: Sequel to ISAADNIIMM!!!!!   Scarlett finally returns home only to find that her illness has just been a result of pregnancy.  But only one problem, she doesnt know who the father is?  But how can she find out without Niall knowing?  How could she tell him if the baby wasnt his?  But she is only so young, 16, how can she care for a child?  Follow her amazing journey of love, despair, hate, friends and family in, Who's Really Daddy Direction?

What Readers Think About It:

"DANG HARRY. Anyways, I loved it!  OMG.  What if it was the rapists?!  :O  I'd feak....or if it wa Harry's...I want it to b Niall's" -@xIrelandKiss


Haha, BRILLIAM AS ALWAYS!  :D xxx" '@xLodonKiss

"More I love it!!!!!!" -@Ldan_loves_1D


 It Started As A Dare, Now It Is Much More


Genre: Fanfiction

Summary: It started as a dare. Now intention to hurt.  No body was suposed to feel this way. It wasnt suposed to end like this, it just cant.........

Scarlett is a 15 year old girl, whos older brother just so happens to be none other than Liam Payne.  When Her friends dare her to do something to Niall she accepts the challege.  But will soon find her biggest regrets and mistakes along the way.   Will she finish the dare?  Or will things suddenly become real in what was suposed to be a fake world?  What will her brother do to stop her?  Will it work?  Or could one girl tear the whole band apart, just with Niall?

What Readers Think About It:

"Great start!  cant wait to read more" -@JME95XX

"I love your story!!!!<33" -@james4997

~Interview Portion~

Q- What is your favorite genre on Wattpad?

A- Fanfic for sure!  Its so great to see people's ideas!

Q- What is your favorite thing about Wattpad?

A- All you peoplessssss!  Everyone is so amazing on here :)

Q- What is your favorite story on Wattpad? Real Life?

A- My fav wattpad story?  It has to be 'Baby Tommo' its the first ever fanfic I read on here and is just the best!  I love it!  In real life?  Hunger Games, its just SO good!  :)

Q- What is your hobby?

A- Sing, draw, act!  I can dance but I dont so it around people.... Lol

Q- What is your favorite color?


Q- What country do you live in?


Q- What inspires you to write your stories?

A- All my fans, and music!  A lot of times I pick a really good Katy Perry of Taylor Swift song and just write to that!  The music makes it alot easier because it makes me forget about the real world, plus it helps me give the story a mood! 

Q- What age did you start writing?

A- I started writing at about 11, it wasnt very good then but I think I have improved!

Q- What is your favorite band/bands?

A- One Direction, Little Mix, LFMAO, Owl City, Katy Parry and Taylor Swift (even though the last two arent really band.... but still!)

Q- How many fans do you have?

A- 424, and I love each and every one of them!  They are all so amazing!

Q- What is your real name?

A- Aurora Storan.  Married to Niall and Harry because I cant pick one!  And Louis, Liam, and Zayn are already taken!  ;D

Q- When did you get a Wattpad? How did you know about Wattpad?

A- May 15,2012

Q- Any other accounts you want people to know about?

A- YES! @LastKissxx my second account,@Krissy_Aurora my joint account with@1DNiallNation

Q- Who is your biggest supporter?

A- My family, friends and fans!  I could never pick only one person though, it would be too hard to decide!  <3

Anything to say to the viewers before the end of this interview?

YES!  I am random!  And, I love you all!  Please check out some of my fanfics!  I would love that!

Anything random?

EAT PIE!  ITS AMAZING!  Just sayin......

Anything for the interviewer?

Thank you so much!  I had a wonderful time answering these questions!

Anything else people should know about you?

I am always here for anyone who needs me!  No matter what it is, I am always here if anyone needs to talk!  Also, I like carrots. (Lol, joke)

Say bye to the people!


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