43 18 0

Year: 2342

Month: September

Date: 13

Destination: Sector Alpha, Crysaltics Centre – Zeroa

Excitement was an understatement to what Ayaan was feeling. He wanted to skip all the way to the Centre. But he controlled. For his sake and for Isha. He turned to look at her. As they neared, her footsteps had slowed and he was struggling to match her pace. All colour had left her face. He hated to see her so uncomfortable. But he also knew there was nothing he could do about it. Ayaan never actually understood his sister's disapproval of Zeroa. But he didn't question it. He knew she had her reasons. And she knew that he didn't agree with her. Ayaan never did find any problems with this system. As he walked across the shiny metal surface of Zeroa, he thought about his drafting. He had been preparing for it since he was 9. It was at 9 when most of the younger Zeroans first flourished in their abilities. Ayaan was a little earlier than the rest. On his 8th birthday, Ayaan had cast one look at a model of a space craft and fallen in love. He knew this was his calling. He had worked tirelessly towards his passion and it had paid off. Ayaan was the youngest Zeroan alive who had successfully flown a craft across two ends of Zeroa at the age of 10. It was an unnatural feat. And he hadn't stopped after that. He lead his first ever craft outside of Zeroa to one of its sister stars and safely returned. He was an asset to the Zeroan community and, like his sister had already gained a lot of fame. He was giddy with nervous energy.

He was brought back to reality by something Lil was saying. He automatically flustered around her and tried as hard as he could to impress her. Isha claimed he had a crush on her and he fought with her at every turn to deny it.

"So tell me Ayaan, what post do you think you will land on." Lil was saying.

He blushed and then answered. "I'm not really sure. There are a lot of other kids who might be better than me. So I can only guess."

Lil gave him one of her hearty laughs, "Oh you're being modest! You are the best in your year Ayaan!"

His blush deepened.

Isha gave a mocking cough behind and said, "Yea Ayaan you are the best in your year!" Her eyes held amusement.

He sighed. At least she was distracted from the upcoming events for a little while.

They had finally reached the Centre. His stomach did a flip. He had a feeling something was about to go absolutely wrong.

As if on cue, the alarms started blaring and the entire Alpha Sector was under the red light of emergency. Red meant only one thing. Someone who isn't suppose to be here was here.

"Ayaan! Isha! Stay with me and don't lose sight of each other!"

Ayaan took a few steps back and grabbed Isha's hand. She held on tight.

The two of them ran after Lil into the Crysaltics Centre. It was chaos inside. Commanders and Cadets alike were running here and there shouting in their comms.

Lil headed up to the reception area.

"Who breached the Centre?", she demanded.

The receptionist hesitated for a second too late. Just as she was about to answer, a man in his late 40s strolled in from behind her. He was tugging along something.

Ayaan peered behind the man and the blood drained from his face. It wasn't a something. It was a someone. And not just any someone. It was a girl with light brown hair and light brown eyes. Her eyes. They weren't gold. She wasn't a Zeroan at all.

She was a human. From Earth.


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