21 14 0

Year: 2342

Month: September

Date: 15

Destination: Eastern part of Eastern Earth – Earth

They were wasting time. And there was nothing Naina could do about it.

The new recruit hadn't showed up at the runway. Apparently there had been some 'technical hold up' and that they would meet the guy on another airport.

Technical hold up her ass. This person was wasting Naina's time. This wasn't some god forsaken picnic. They were rescuing their friend from their potential enemies. No. Not potential. They were enemies.

It was 2 in the afternoon and they were sitting in one of the waiting rooms of the airport. This airport was even more extravagant than the one before. And all she wanted to do was remove her shoes and stomp her way across, demolishing the entire establishment.

So what she wasn't actually a human. Earth had been more of her home than Tzazgeda could ever be. Earth had accepted her the way she was. Without any filters. And she would give back anything for earth and it's people.

They were now in former England. She had read about it obviously, on her home planet. To be honest, she had been a little shocked when no one would address the places with their former names. Then she realised why. It was a criminal offence. The Powers wanted to completely erase the old traditions of the humans.

She looked around the room. Roshan was sprawled across the couch opposite to her, his mouth open and legs dangling off the couch.

Ankit and Sameer were sitting in the far corner discussing something in hushed tones.

She smiled. They had a good team no doubt. And while she hadn't worked with Roshan before, she knew Ankit and Sameer. Sure they were a little high strung and could get distracted easily. But once their mind was set on something, no one could stop them. They had known Neha longer than she had, were in the same team as hers. Of course they'd do anything for their friend.

Naina felt a pang she couldn't place. Time and time again, those three had shown that if she was willing, they could be friends. And time and time again, she had turned them down.

It's for the best. I'm doing this for them.

Or at least, that's how she convinced herself about her decisions.

She had no doubt that this new recruit would have some ulterior motives for joining them. No stranger would ever agree to join people for a job outside the planet. Heck, outside the universe.

She was getting giddy now. Too much time. It was taking too much time.

She had considered all possibilities. And most of them ended with Neha dead. Even if the Zeroans by some miracle hadn't spotted her, their atmosphere would have killed her easily.

She shook her head, forcibly throwing these thoughts out. She needed to have a positive outlook.

Just then, the handle of the door moved and it opened.

Roshan woke with a start wiping the drool off his face, which was a portrait of confusion. She sighed. If Naina had to guess, he'd totally forgotten where they were and why.

She moved toward the couch where he was and took hold of his sleeve. His shoulders dropped as he took in the room.

She motioned for Ankit and Sameer to come and join them in the front of the room.

It was a girl. And behind her three boys. The pilot was nowhere to be found. Not what she was expecting at all.

Naina surveyed the girl. She was maybe a couple inches taller than Naina and she too wore glasses. Her long dark hair was pulled back in a long ponytail.

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