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Year: 2342

Month: September

Date: 24 - dawn

Destination: Northern part of Eastern Earth - Earth

Clive wanted to get out of this. Roshan, Phoenix and he had set up base and were just shooting away. He tried to think clearly, but his brain was fogged.

This was not going according to plan. First Naina had showed up, face pale and kept muttering, "I went out of hand. It's too much. It's too much"

Clive didn't want to increase to the problem but he had to admit, it was too much. The tremors had stopped now sure, but earlier, it was horrible. It had been affective against the enemy, but he'd have bet good money that it had taken some of the members of the Resistance too.

He tried not to think about all this. This was for after this mess got over.

Which was when exactly? A small traitorous part of him asked to no one.

He and Phoenix had split up from Naina and Roshan for a while and when they returned, they found Ayaan with them.

When Clive saw their faces he stopped.

"What? What is it?" He asked.

"Did one of our jets fail to land securely?" Phoenix prodded.

Roshan looked at Ayaan with such devastation on his face that Clive did not even blink when Naina said, "Isha's dead." She said it wondrously, as if still not believing it.

Clive shook his head. "No she's not. We left her at the HQ with Neha. She's fine. Hold on, let's just contact her."

Clive pressed his earpiece, "Isha – "

He stopped mid - sentence when he saw what Ayaan held out in his hand. It was a crushed earpiece.

"That could just be lost. It doesn't mean anything. Ayaan, let's go check HQ out." He started to turn away.

"I'm coming from there." Ayaan said flatly. There was nothing on his face. No expression. His eyes had no colour. They weren't here. He wasn't here, Clive realised. He was somewhere else entirely.

Oh my god. Oh my god. What were they thinking? Did they honestly think they'd get out of this alive? All of them?

"" His mouth was dry.

"I saw her head in there. She had this hard look on her face." Roshan said, helpless. "I told Ayaan, but I was too late. She's there somewhere."

Ayaan suddenly turned towards the battle. "I have to go get her." Again, that same voice.

Roshan looked at him and nodded. Ayaan wordlessly backed away.

Naina, Roshan, Clive and Phoenix just stood there. Stunned.

Then suddenly, Phoenix started, "Maverick and Vani. They haven't come back yet. Have we heard anything yet?"

Clive felt something cold draped over his neck. No.

"I'll go look for them. They're probably on their way here."

He was about to turn to go down there when he heard someone.

"Don't bother Clive." It was Maverick.

Relief washed over Clive. He rushed over to him checking for injuries. Apart from his hands being scraped off, he was fine.

"Dude, you scared us. Well, I think we're done here then. We've caused enough of a distraction. And there's, there's something you need to know about Isha." He choked.

Maverick nodded, half listening. He had a crazed look in his eyes. Clive frowned.

"Are you ok?"

Maverick looked at Clive then. Truly looked at him. Then he smiled, "Let's go then."

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