13 14 0

Year: 2342

Month: September

Date: 24 - dawn

Destination: 20 miles from the HQ – Eastern Earth

Isha felt numb. Her hands and clothes had blood on them. Covey's blood. She'd finally met him. Finally. And they he left. He left her.

She looked up to see that it was morning. The sun was on the horizon. The sun. She was seeing the sun. She'd read so much about it. And now she was getting to see an actual sunset.

She was still sitting outside, his body laid next to him. She hadn't stopped staring at him. There was still a smile on his face. The kind of smile that tells you he had a secret and he'd share if you came closer. She had closed his eyes. If one didn't see the blood on his chest, he almost looked like he was sleeping. He was still warm.

He told her he'd make her fall in love with him. But he hadn't given her the chance.

She stood up suddenly. Checked to see if she had a gun. She would fight now. She was going to do what he should have done had he not died. She took the gun out of its holster and headed away from the building. Isha yanked the earpiece from her ear and threw it to ground, crushing it with her boot.

Isha headed up to where she could here bullets and people screaming. She would do this.

A person came in front of her with a rifle. He smiled when he saw it was just a small girl.

Without waiting a second, she lifted the gun to his chest and shot. Without turning to see the man, she marched on ahead.

It took her about ten minutes to reach the place of battle, having shot at least half a dozen in the process. She knew she'd have to reload soon but didn't think of it right now.

"ISHA!" she heard a yell from above. She turned to look up and see her friends. Hidden with rifles and guns and bows and arrows on the top of the hill. They were shooting down enemies who came close.


Isha ignored him and turned to head in.

She could hear him talking in the earpiece to Ayaan. She went on.

The first person who she saw, she shot in the head and trudged forward.

She lost count of how many people she saw. Reloading her gun again and again and again and again.

Isha then realised she was right at the centre of this mess. There were cracks everywhere, people fighting all around her.

And that was when she was shot. She yelped and stumbled. Whoever it was, had gotten her ankle. Isha tried to ignore it as she turned and shot the woman who had done it.

Then she heard another shot. Her shoulder. She yelled now. Tears forming in her eyes. This too she tried to ignore as she gripped her shoulder and started moving, trying to eliminate people.

She was getting slower now, with two bullet wounds. But she wouldn't give up yet. He would have done more. So she'd have to do more.

As she walked forward, trying to just find the leader so she could end this, she got shot twice more. Once on her calf and the other in her stomach.

She fell to the ground. Her hands were shaking and she wasn't able to see in front her. Her breathing was becoming shallow.

She slowly pushed off the ground, wincing against the unbearable pain.

More. Need to do more. Better.

She got up on wobbly feet bleeding everywhere.

And that was when she saw her. Right away, Isha knew this was their leader. It was like the woman was leaking with authority. Her hair had been pulled back in a tight bun, her uniform was decorated with medals of honour and service.

This was it. Isha stepped towards the lady, pistol in the air.

The woman spotted her and smiled. "Ah. I was wondering when I might see some foreign faces here. I must say, you Zeroans are quite unordinary. Apart from the eyes of course. Perhaps you had fun watching you friend Covey die?"

Isha saw red. "You monster." She whispered.

The woman laughed. "Oh please. This was all your doing. Had you not come here starting this bloody mess, none of this would have happened. I wouldn't have lost my air commander." She said, her face set in stone.

Isha had stopped listening. She squeezed the trigger.

Nothing. She squeezed it again. Again.

"No." She sobbed.

The woman smiled in victory. "My turn."

She shot Isha in the head.


Ayaan was already on his way after listening from Roshan where his sister was. Then all of a sudden he stopped. His hand went to his head. Like he knew that this was it. Like he knew that his sister was gone.

His hand never left his forehead as if knowing that she was shot here.



Isha was on the ground. The bullet had gotten her on the side of her hairline, cushioning the blow a little.

She looked up at the sun, now peeking out of the horizon.

She whispered, "Ayaan."

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