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Year: 2342

Month: September

Date: 19

Destination: Zeroan Atmosphere

"This place looks sad. There's no colour." Roshan said.

They were all in the cockpit. Sameer had switched from automated to manual for the landing.

"This isn't an amusement park Roshan, it's a freaking war planet." Ankit said.

But Roshan was right. Vani glanced at the planet. It was grey. The whole planet was one giant metal ball. The surface shined with huge buildings also made of metal. The only colour on this planet was coming from the blue star. Tritian. Vani had only heard about it from her parents. She had never imagined she'd get to see it one day. It was beautiful.

"Beautiful." Naina murmured.

Vani turned towards the other girl. She was still a little wary of her. Vani understood the girl only wanted to protect her friends. But Phoenix had told them the truth. Vani still couldn't believe it. They had an alien among them. And yet, no one could have known. She wanted to see her hands. But seeing as she wasn't Naina's favourite person at the moment, Vani knew the gesture wouldn't be appreciated. That hadn't stopped her from interrogating Phoenix.

He had gone and acted like a jerk with her by blurting out about experimenting on her. So Vani understood Naina's distance.

Ankit turned toward Vani, "How is this going to happen again?"

"Covey has already changed our docking code to one of the workers of Zeroa. So our craft won't be suspicious. He said something about needing to have a witness to the docking. But it was all unclear. So at the end he just said he'll handle."

Clive's eyes narrowed. "Was is unclear or did you just want to sleep so didn't bother to pay attention."

Oops. Well. He knew her too well now. Ok yes. She had wanted to sleep. But only because Naina had ruined it earlier.

She decided to not answer and gave a sweet smile to Clive.

"Unbelievable.", Maverick muttered.

She didn't mind. Maverick wasn't angry at her anymore. She had gotten her friend back. And some new ones. So she didn't mind them scolding her one bit.

Someone snapped their fingers. Naina. "Focus."

"You forgot to listen to what he said? Awesome." Roshan said and held his hand up for a fist bump.

Hmm, this one she liked. At least he wasn't serious all the time.

Naina rolled her eyes.

"Aww, guys, I think she might start liking us now", Vani teased.

"Ok enough. Let's head down.", Naina said. She had a small smile on her face. Score.

Sameer did something about which she had no clue and they lurched forward.

"There we go. There we go." He muttered. He had perspiration on his shirt. It occurred to her then. He was probably her age this kid. And he was flying a craft.

"Um, Sameer. Do you know how to do this?", She asked.

"Well, I study planes not ride them. So this is just a tad out of my comfort zone. But I think we're fine. Maybe." He was trying to convince himself more than them.


They started cruising downwards when suddenly they got hit with a turbulence.

"Don't worry. That was just the atmosphere. We entered the last level. The Zeroans have probably picked our craft by now. It's time to see if this Covey guy's lady friend is the prodigy we've heard she is."

They all held their breaths as the descended, waiting for the other shoe to drop and for someone to shoot them out of the air.

It didn't happen. She had done it. The girl had done it. They had landed on Zeroan soil. Or metal. Whatever.

All of them gave identical whoops of success. Even Naina.

"Go Isha!" they all chanted. Heck they didn't even know her. But Vani already loved her.

Vani clapped her hands. "Ok. Step one of operation not getting killed was successful."

"Geez optimistic much?" Ankit said dryly.

She turned toward Roshan and Naina. "Is that kid always such a grandpa?"

The two of them said, "Pretty much."

"Hey!" Ankit sounded wounded.

"Ok. We gotta get out now. Here's the hard part. What do we do once the first person sees us and realises that hey, we don't have golden eyes?", Roshan asked.

"And we need to find Neha first. That's why we're here." Naina piped in.

"Well lucky you friend. You found her." They heard a voice from behind them.

All eight of them turned in unison.

There stood a girl with brown hair and the world's prettiest eyes.

She smiled and looked at Naina.

"I hope you didn't kill anyone while I was away." The girl said.

"Neha." The three of them said at once.

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