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No one knew when Earth was discovered. No one knew how Earth was discovered. It was, is and will always remain to be a mystery. Perhaps that was why Earth will forever be one of the most influential planets.

Earth was the first known planet to sustain life. That was a huge deal. Then appeared massive reptilian creatures called dinosaurs. Their only proof of existence where their bone remains. Theories were put forward claiming huge meteorites ended the dinosaur age and then emerged homo sapiens.

It was billions of years later though, that Earth proved to truly be of some potential. The massive population explosion lead to some last minute procedures. Earth was divided into different continents. Then in different countries. Countries became states and states became cities. Earth kept on dividing.

It was in the 2300s that one mind realised. Earth didn't have to be segmented so mercilessly. Humans strived in colonies. But not in such religiously based ones.

And so earth was reunited. It became what it once was before. A super continent with two sections divided by the Pacific Ocean. It became to be known as Eastern Earth and Western Earth.

The people of Earth had lost all hope for a better society and so hadn't raised a single uproar about such a momentous decision. It was happily and sorrowfully accepted by the desperate civilians.

But, as was natural, there were people who detested this idea. They were against it and the next step was anybody's guess. These limited people formed a resistance against the people behind this outrageous idea. They called themselves The Almighty Resistance. And this Resistance had just welcomed some of its most devoted members. So focused on their cause, that they were willing to do anything in the name of God. Anything. Anything, including forgetting that same God to perform some of the most unspeakable crimes.


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