37 18 1

Year: 2342

Month: September

Date: 10

Destination: Southern part of Eastern Earth – Earth

Roshan couldn't remember the last time he ate something which wasn't whole wheat bread and a cup of masala tea. Not that he complained. He loved tea with a fiery passion. But, a boy could only handle so much simplicity in life. But that was all Eastern Earth was willing to offer him. He was in the southern region of Eastern Earth which was once called India. People were still getting used to the fact that this place was no longer India, a place known for it's diversity. The very diversity which was removed by the Central Powers.

The Central Powers. Roshan hadn't decided whether he hated them or honestly didn't care about them. Roshan was among the children of the first generation to be born after the union of the continents of Earth. So they had experiences unlike the rest. Their schools were different. Their studies were different. Nearly billions of new maps had been made signifying the new topography of this queer planet.

He knew a lot of people opposed this idea. After all, it had killed thousands of people. The Central Powers had informed the citizens of Earth about the dissolving of the countries and states and continents. But no one could have imagined this to be literal. Yes. The United Nations had been preparing for war from the moment they had been kicked out of Zeroa. But they never launched the missiles. Only later did people find out, they weren't building missiles at all. No. They were making huge radioactive wheels. Wheels which were attached to the bottom of the surfaces of landmasses. They were going to dismiss the continents' geography entirely. And one day, without warning the billions of people whose lives were about to be changed, they started the wheels. Earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, tornadoes, hailstorms, cyclones and radiation waves all welcomed the innocent people. Earth was being altered by mere humans.

The collision of different continents lead to some drastic changes. The Himalayan mountains broke down to rubble, taking the entire northern region with it. India and China suffered losses far greater than any war. The Pacific Ocean filled in the gap between Japan and North America. It flooded the regions and these two important regions too lost huge numbers. But like any calamity, this one settled too. A new dawn arose and with it came the rise of the new Earth. It was then that the people realised, the Central Powers knew of the destruction this scheme would bring in its wake. They had done so because of the over population. And their plans had worked. Earth lost nearly 1/4th of its people.

Now Earth looked like a painting made by a frustrated child. North America, South America and Africa became Western Earth. Where, Asia, Europe, Australia and Antarctica became Eastern Earth.

Roshan couldn't care less about all this. He didn't have people to fight for either. His parents had abandoned him when he was 3 because they couldn't afford to feed him and care for him. He was picked up by a bunch of people from some dustbin. Only later did he find out that they were part of the Almighty Resistance. Roshan grew up with people who tried to convince him to hate the Central Powers. They tried to convince him to have compassion for those who lost families. But he hadn't lost a family. He had been abandoned. There was nothing the Central Powers had done to ruin his life. That credit went to his parents. And so he never grew to hate the authorities. But he did need a place to stay. And this was his only option.

A girl came into the peripheral of his vision and his thoughts scattered.

"Are you done dozing off? Can you maybe come inside and I something useful?", Naina demanded.

His heart skipped a beat. He leapt to his feet and plastered a lazy smile on his face.

"Oh if you ask so nicely, I'd never be able to resist my dear.", he drawled out.

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