13 14 0

Year: 2342

Month: September

Date: 18

Destination: Crysaltics Centre

"If you guys get me killed, I'm gonna murder you." Neha hissed from beneath the rag.

"Um, what does that mean?" Ayaan barely moved his mouth while speaking.

He yelped when he stumbled. Yep, Neha had just kicked his ankle. Hard. What did he think what that meant? She was very specific.

"Knock it off you two. Just, shut up until we reach the Control Room." Isha was the leading their group across the Centre.

Neha was under an invisibility cloak which Lil had thought of.

Neha looked around. Woah.

This place was HUGE. From the outside, Neha couldn't have figured out just how many storeys this place even had.

And like, every room had doors. DOORS.

"Um, yeah every room has doors? How do I respond to that?", Ayaan whispered.

Whoops. She had said that out loud. It's just, back in the Resistance, their shack had two floors and all the rooms got their privacy through long drapes of cloth. Because they had used up all the wood of the doors for survival issues. And this place didn't smell funny. Nor was some adult smoking in the corner.

There were rows and rows of cubicles in which Zeroans had their heads bent, work in front of him. Heck these guys even had lights.

"It's like you guys live in Candy Land.", she muttered.

The twins decided to ignore this comment. Hmph!

When Neha had told them that they had to go to Earth the responses were vastly different.

"YES! FINALLY. LET'S GO RIGHT NOW.", was Isha's contribution.

"Um yea no. Isha! Did you even think of the consequences? You just heard earth and went ballistic.", was Ayaan.

Neha had laughed. "Are you two really twins?"

"Yes." They said together with identical expressions of annoyance.

Well, Neha was proved wrong.

Anyways, they had come to an agreement. To earn their trust, Neha had suggested they go to where all the interactions of the Cabinet were held with Earth and read it for themselves. They would then decide what to do.

Easier said than done. This place was not easy to sneak into.

Well, Isha and Ayaan didn't need to sneak in. They were here for work.

As they passed door after door with marquees of different positions Neha wondered how it was possible this race resembled humans so much. They were a different species. The amount of difference there could have been was infinite. And yet, these creatures had the same names, the same appearance (minus the eyes) and perhaps the same way of thinking.

She knew why this was the case. Her dad had told her about Zeroa's history. But still. It was hard to believe.

Someone tapped her on the shoulder and she froze.

"We're here."

Isha strode inside with confidence.

"I've been told that the shifts have changed. Me and my brother can take it from here."

The other kids nodded. "IDs?", one of the boys asked.

Both Isha and Ayaan pulled out their wrists. They were blank. Huh?

The others nodded and walked out without a word.

"What just happened?", Neha asked.

"Yea that's for another day. I don't think you could handle it today."

And they were probably right. She didn't even want to know.

"Ookayy! How is this going to work?", Neha asked.

"Well, I'm going to hack into one of the meetings of The Seven.", she said that like she was going to go get a cupcake.

Neha looked at Ayaan. He shrugged.

Neha and Ayaan went and sat while Isha marched towards the sea of computers.

Isha took a deep breath. "Ok baby. It's you and me."

She started typing stuff on the computer and muttering to herself.

"Is she good?", Neha asked Ayaan.

"I can hear you and I'm insulted. Because I'm done." Isha announced.

Ayaan looked completely unfazed.

The two of them walked over to the computer.

"This was the latest meeting. It was scheduled tomorrow. Here, have a look."

She hit play and the three of them settled in silence.

No.3 = what's the status?

No.1 = we have already contacted them. They will be able to find the girl soon enough.

No.5 = do we know who the rebels are yet?

No.1 = we do. Their identities have been discovered. It is one Isha Roy and one Ayaan Roy. The creation certificate shows their guardian is Law Enforcer Lil. They're listed here as twins.

No.6 = I've heard of them. Couple of troublemakers that bunch.

No.7 = what are their orders?

No.2 = we haven't received that information yet.

No.1 = this meeting is being held for one reason only. They need absolute loyalty from us. If we agree to this, we will have to blindly follow their orders like we have since generations. Is that clear?

All six of the members nod.

***Transmission ends***

"Am I the only one confused here? Who the hell are 'they'?", Neha asked.

The twins shook their heads.

"No idea."

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