Chapter 43: Families

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Location: Mount Uruas, Night Kingdom 1891 - 2 years

Frederick: 34 Lucius: 28 Princeton: 26

Orisis: 6 Hadleigh: 5 ½ Alvin: 5 Nereus: 4 Brenda: 4 months

Two years passed quickly and Felicia's body finally took the last breath, however in this time she and Princeton had a little girl which Koen named Brenda just like their mother had been named. After her passing Princeton kept his promise and took Koen with his as his guard though he resisted in the beginning not wanting to leave the pharmacy behind. Princeton took Brenda to Mount Uruas where Frederick and his family had finally officially settled. Sitara would come by to keep Priscilla company since with Fredericks work and Princeton finally returning to the forest after his prolonged absence she was left with the kids along with a few nannies to help out.

"You're leaving this early again?" Priscilla asked waking up to Frederick getting ready. "Yeah, but I should be back sooner than usual," He responded walking over to her. "Like I haven't heard that before." She answered. "If anything comes up I'll write okay, go back to sleep now, I'm sorry if I woke you," he said kissing her forehead. "Stay safe," Priscilla said watching him walk to the door of the room before he stopped midway, "I'll be sure to get back as soon as possible, I will owe you dinner for our anniversary in a few days," Frederick said before leaving. Priscilla just smiled before sighing. Their anniversary was actually that day but, she was starting to give up in trying to gain more of his affection then he seemed to be willing to give.

Before they had married she tried to get along with him but he hardly spoke to her and instead read books during his visits to Tiria. Once they got married he seemed to have become a bit more affectionate towards her and she had thought it would continue in this manner. Until his brothers started having a few difficulties in their work and Frederick took it upon himself to solve everything for his brothers. Now when he came home he worked all day with very few breaks in between to eat or to catch up with Priscilla but even then he would have a notebook handy writing things for his brothers or his work.

It was starting to get quite tiring for Priscilla, especially seeing how little he interacted with both Hadleigh and Nereus. She had just learned that she was expecting their third child but had not had the time to tell him with his busy schedule. With him leaving and forgetting their anniversary was the last straw, if perhaps he would have missed it by a day or two it would have been fine but with everything else piling on one after the other she just had enough. She found a place to live in Epitala for her and her kids where she had family that understood her, so that very same day she had the stuff packed and left leaving nothing but a letter for when Frederick returned.

Sitara arrives shortly after just missing her. She walked around the house while holding Orisis hand as he tugged away trying to get lost. Alvin came running to greet them "Hi, auntie and Orisis." he said while a nanny calmly walked out with Brenda. "Where's Priscilla?" Sitara asked letting Orisis loose. "She left this morning, she's probably gone to surprise Prince Frederick for their anniversary," the nanny answered as Sitara took Brenda. "Oh, that's right," Sitara answered looking around at the kids. Sitara thought she'd stay for the week until they returned but they only one that came back was Frederick. "Sitara?" Frederick asked seeing her in the main living area with the kids. "Where's Priscilla and the kids?" Sitara asked noticing they weren't with him. "I was going to ask you the same are they not here?" Frederick asked setting his stuff down on the table. "No, they haven't been since I got here. I assumed she left to surprise you," Sitara answered. "... She didn't." Frederick said going upstairs to their room to find her belongings missing and a letter on his desk. He read the letter which told him why she left and that she was expecting but not where she had gone to.

Once he finished reading it he went to look into Nereus and Hadleigh's room where only they're clothing had been taken. "Is everything alright?" Sitara asked noticing Frederick sitting at the edge of Hadleigh bed. "You said she was already gone when you arrived?" Frederick asked. "Yeah... nothing happened to her too right?" Sitara asked worried. "No, she should be alright she left on her own," Frederick said standing. "Left? Where?" She asked. "I don't know, she just left." He responded. "For? Is a family member sick?" She asked. "She was sick of me, Sitara. Please relax she should be fine." Frederick said going back to his office. "But she's my friend I'm concerned. Maybe you ask your brothers to help you find her." Sitara continued. "I'll conduct the search on my own, Lucius already has enough work to do and Princeton... I rather not involve him." Frederick answered closing the door on Sitara to keep her from asking more questions.

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