Chapter 1: Yuri

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Stupid papa, stupid bruiseable skin, stupid everything, I glared at the deep bruise on my upper arm and sighed heavily at how much it hurt and would distract me in school. As I trudged towards my first hour of the day, my already sour mood was even more acidic than it previously was, if that was even possible.
   "Hey, Hey Natsuki." MC greeted me with that dorky grin of his and awkward wave. I rolled my eyes at the gesture of greeting.

   "What do you want MC?" I demand sharply because I couldn't afford to get chummy with him, especially because he was a boy and my Papa would be majorly PISSED off if he found out I was even breathing in the same air as MC.  I'd get a lecture about how teenage boys only want one thing.

  I couldn't afford to lose what little bits of life, of freedom I had. So if pushing everyone away and keeping a wall around my heart was my only defense in order to go to school and be free...then that's just a sacrifice I'll have to make.

People only let you down anyways, they make promises they can't keep, use words to cut you deeper than any knife ever could,  people hurt and disappoint you.  Manga, though forbidden by my parents, gave me that taste of adventure I'd never find on my own. Manga doesn't hurt me the way people have.

  "So anyways since you're going to club and I'm going to club today...afterwards maybe we could -" I registered what MC was asking and shook my head cutting him off midramble.
   "No, I'm busy. Besides it's not like I'd go with you if I wasn't busy anyways." I snap harshly as I storm away from him, down the crowded halls,  shoving my way towards my first hour.


I slammed open the clubroom door bitterly,  stupid teacher, giving me a C- it seems as though you didn't understand the true anguish Romeo and Juliet endured during their time together Natsuki.  No shit sherlock! Dude was a pervert who fell in love with a middle schooler all in the span of like two days and like a lot of people died because of their stupidity including themselves.  And apparently that's  called true love.

Ooh where can I sign up? NOT. Ridiculous, English classes and their  Metaphorical crap.

I huffed dropping into the nearest seat to think, totally not to pout or anything like that. No way.

Of course Monika and Sayori had to arrive just then, those freaks had been dating since freshman year and best friends since middle school. They liked to come in, holding hands and giggling at their inside jokes that made no sense to normal human beings. 
  "Monika you're so silly, I can't believe you photoshopped a hat on Mr. Hansen's yearbook picture!" Sayori giggled and then Monika said something corny back before she leaned over and kissed her deeply.

Disgusting.  Them and their freaking excessive PDA annoyed me.

  "Oh hi Natsuki. " Monika smiled my way, once she was done sucking Sayori's lips from her face. I just narrowed my eyes at her and looked away.

  "Sorry we're late,  I accidentally knocked into Yuri and her books went everywhere. " MC explained entering with a certain big boobed purple haired, weirdo who Monika and Sayori invited to be in our club even though I was highly against it. 

  Our club being the literature club,  we like write poems, ignore Monika and Sayori's PDA,  and discuss books. We're like a book club, but better.

  Monika Daniels is the president,  former track star and volleyball player, who decided after she broke her knee sophomore year to start a club where you write poems and read. She's got all the qualities of a leader, she's bossy and yet responsible. She's got this reddish brown hair and bright green eyes, she basically looks like a popular person. She's tall, lean and athletically gifted in all the right places. Not that I'm looking at her like that though. So get your mind out of the gutter!

Her girlfriend of four years, almost, is Sayori Minami, the Vice  President of the literature club,  the only reasons why she has that position being they started the club together and Sayori is her girlfriend. Sayori's like one of those flies who get's trapped in a small space with you, ergetic, wild, peppy, and no matter how hard you try there's no getting rid of her. Sayori is still a cheerleader last I checked, but since her practice is in the morning she can still come to club every day. Sayori has these big blue eyes that like are always sparkling with excitement. She's Unfortunately taller than me as well, but still shorter than Monika.

  MC is the only boy of the group, he's tallish, like somewhere between Sayori tall and Monika tall. He's got this untamed black mess he calls hair and golden eyes. He's quite possibly the densest person I've ever met. You should have seen Monika attempting to explain that a novel is still a book to him. Funniest two hours of my life. Yeah so he's not the brightest guy around, but what he lacks in brainpower he makes up for with his optimism and kindness.

Then there's Yuri, don't even get me started on that ...girl... her and I don't get along whatsoever,  which is mostly her fault. I mean first of all she's freaking gigantic. Secondly she's got like a double D chest or bigger. Thirdly she reads the weirdest stuff. Fourthly she doesn't like manga, and refuses to even give it a chance. And finally she said once that my cupcakes were too sweet and wiped the frosting off the top! Who freaking does that? If you want a cupcake without frosting have a muffin you freak. She's always twirling her bright purple hair, and she blushes like crazy whenever you directly talk to her. Yuri's eyes are  Violet colored and suprisingly sort of pretty...uh pretty interesting to look at, but no matter how many times I try to study them she hides them behind her freaking hair. It's not fair. Plus once she called me a gremlin.  I did not appreciate it. So yeah she's all dark and angsty, she reads stuff that'd give me nightmares and she likes drinking boat loads of tea. She used to work in the library after school and during lunch, but now it was only at lunch because of the club. Sometimes I'd pass by just to see if she was there and she always was. Yuri hardly ever talks and when she does it's either really complicated and I don't understand or she's pissed because I insulted her and is knocking me down a couple pegs. I've never had just a casual conversation with Yuri Darren.  Anyways yeah she drives me crazy,  makes my skin crawl. 

  I just wasn't a people person,  I couldn't afford to be one. I sighed as MC laughed explaining how he ran into Yuri as he put his arm around her waist.

To Be Continued...
Okay so here's the first chapter! It'll be more interesting later promise!!!! For now I need to show her personality a bit before anything exciting can happen!!

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