Chapter 16: Responses

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   Older Natsuki's POV

    "How did you know that cherry was my favorite?!" Sayori asked as she bit into her custom cupcake I had made by coming early today and using the home economics kitchen.
  "Or that I liked Lemons?" Monika asked biting into the sweet treat with a humm of approval.
   "I bet you do!" Sayori snickered and Monika leaned over taking a bite from her cupcake. "Moni why?!" Sayori exclaimed dramatically and monika smirked red frosting all over her face. 

  "Delicious!" She exclaimed smacking her lips in a taunting way.  Sayori then tackled her to the floor, trying to lick the frosting off her face.

I forgot how PDA they were when we were young. Thankfully their children were fantastic beaver dams, helped cool these two horn dogs down a lot.

"Okay first of all Yuck, second I just guessed." I lie avoiding eye contact as Yuri lifts her cupcake up and looks at me in confusion.  I'd put very little frosting on hers because I knew she thought they were too sweet with it. "What?" I asked her questioning look and she blushes looking away trying to hide her smile.

  "N-nothing ...I just...last time you said you'd never make me another cupcake again...I thought you...well that you were insulted that I didn't want frosting..." she whispered so flustered I just wanted to kiss her, like directly. My heart began racing and I...I really need a cold as hell shower, damn it!

Sayori sat up with a smirk as Monika panted on the ground, frosting free, although it would appear as though Sayori also stole her cupcake as well.

Ugh no fair, why couldn't I do that with Yuri? Fucking Sayori and Monika.
  "I didn't want you to waste the I wanted you to actually eat it!" I exclaim,  oh no the hormones were getting to me! Damn teenage body!

Monika sat up tackling Sayori to the floor and kissing her repeatedly. Ugh where's a child when you need one?

"Uh guys you do know that we're all still here right?" MC questioned curiously and I let out a sigh of relief when they finally pulled apart and apologized. 

Teenagers. Disgusting.  Wait does that mean my teenagers could be doing this???? Gah disgusting times a hundred. I shake my head at Monika and Sayori.  MC happily goes back to eating his oreo cupcake shaped like a dog once the two kissaholics finally stopped.

  "Natsuki pardon my forwardness,  but how did you simply guess that I liked vanilla Monika liked lemon, Sayori liked cherry and MC liked oreo?" Yuri questioned giving me one of her, I've figured you out so don't even try to lie looks.

  " observant so sue me." I settle for that answer before a knock on the door saves me from answering any further questions from Yuri.  The door opens slightly and I see Gina. My heart starts to speed up, tears blur my vision.  "Oh my God,  Gina!" I surge forward and wrap my arms around the older woman, burying my face in her shoulder, she wouldn't be here by the end of this year, I haven't seen her in years.

  I held onto her with everything in me, smelling her, crying into her. She wrapped her arms around me tightly and pulled me from the room silently,  shutting the door behind us firmly.
   "Sweet child what's the matter?" She asked voice shaking with concern, her hands  were stroking through my hair. "Did those parents of yours hurt you?" She  whispered with such care that it made me cry harder.

   "I'm sorry, I just..I missed you." I sniff, not wanting to let her go, I clutched fistfuls of her leather jacket in my shaking hands. I missed her so much. She was like the grandma I'd never had.
  "That's alright,  feelings are normal,  you just let it all out, we'll go get some dinner somewhere alright?" She soothed and I reluctantly pull away a little bit, looking into her kind warm brown eyes. I really missed those loving eyes.

  "Okay, I just...can I go grab my things?" I ask softly, afraid of leaving her even for a second, afraid she'll disappear,  like in my dreams. Gina scoffed kissing my forehead as she turned me towards the door and nudged me forward with a playful swat on my backside.

I rushed into the room like the building was about to burn down.
   "Natsuki what's going on?" Monika questioned and I shook my head grabbing my poem journal and the papers I had been doodling on and shoved them into my backpack. I reached to  grab my coat off the back of my chair when a thin pale hand grabbed my wrist tightly.

  "Natsuki what's happened? Talk to us." Yuri encouraged looking at me disquietly, her eyebrows all furrowed and lip slightly out in just enough of a pout to make her look absolutely adorable. 
  "Gina's taking me to dinner, sorry I have to go." I explain softly and she eyes me a moment, as if contemplating if I'm being sincere or not.

She must've found what she was looking for, because she strokes the back of my hand then releases me, stepping back slightly.

  "Thank you for the cupcakes, do have fun with your...grandmother." she states leaning against the desk behind her. I smile at her antics before I nod.
   "Right, I'll just see you guys tomorrow. "

I grin when I see Yuri relax at my promise and then I rush out the door, wanting to take complete advantage of my time with my Gina.    The minute I step out into the hallway, Gina wraps her arm around my shoulders,  for the first time since I returned to the past I find my silver lining.

  "You ready to go angel face?" She asks smiling widely and I nod, leaning against her side.
   "I was born ready." I whisper.

To Be Continued...

So this book is gonna be 25 chapters tops, at least that's what I'm planning on.  Though I keep working on some of my draft stories a bit too much.

  I hope you liked this chapter, and thank you for reading.


The Remains of Yesterday Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora