Chapter 8: Routines

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After Monika ratted me out to Yuri, I was forced to sit through dinner with them. Which turned out to be take out, because Yuri hadn't had any time to cook anything. Although I'd never been at such a lively dinner before. So much small talk or giggling... there was happiness just pouring from everyone.  It made me feel all fuzzy inside and I don't even know why..

Dinner with my parents usually, if we even ate, was my mom banging her utensils around silently and my dad grumbling under his breath. It was tense, silent and I felt like I was walking on eggshells with every bite I took. It was a silent, quick, edgy sort of affair.

So this dinner was different, a foreign concept. It was dare I say somewhat ...maybe...slightest bit enjoyable.

"Goodnight my darlings." Yuri had finished tucking in all fifty of her kids and had returned to what apparently was our bedroom(Something I was highly against having). I didn't know which drawers were mine so I just sat on the end of the bed and waited impatiently for Yuri to return.

"Which dresser and side of the bed is mine?" I question the minute she turns away from the door, after shutting it. I'm thoroughly embarrassed with my weak and very pathetic uncertainty. However Yuri just smiles at me fondly and approaches the white dresser with the black knobs.

"Well you usually steal my shirts and use them as pajamas anyway, but this dresser is yours and the right side of the bed is where you sleep." She informs me kindly before she rounds the bed to the left side. I slowly stand and then lower myself onto what apparently is my side  of our bed.

I find myself watching Yuri's movements as she pulls open the black dresser on the left side of the room and pulls out a long night shirt and places it on the bed.

My brain kindof short circuited when Yuri's shirt lifted over her head and I saw her creamy white skin of her toned stomach. I just, I couldn't look away. Why couldn't I look away?!

Yuri then reached up to unhook her bra and I squeaked falling off the side of the bed onto the floor with a thump

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Yuri then reached up to unhook her bra and I squeaked falling off the side of the bed onto the floor with a thump. I then proceeded to curl into a ball of flustered limbs. Did I just see Yuri without a shirt? Why was I so anxious? So flustered?

What was she doing to me?


"Natsuki are you alright?" Yuri questioned, but I had my arm draped over my face so I couldn't see her, or her freaking naked body she was broadcasting for all to see. "Suki? Did you hurt yourself?"

I don't have time to reply, as Yuri scoops me off the floor and lays me on the bed. I cautiously removed my arm... which is a horrible idea. Yuri's put her shirt on, but isn't wearing pants and she's leaning over me, her hair is tickling my face.
"I'm fine, I'm fine, gonna get dressed now!" I exclaim my face on fire. Yuri eyes me a few seconds more, before she rolls off me and onto her own side.

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