Chapter 22: Candice Gina Darren

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No one's POV:

  Harry was being so super mean, Candy did not like it one bit.  She glared at her brother as he kept teasing her on the bench.  When suddenly a girl...she looked like Lin's age but with purple hair and magenta eyes sat on the bench in front of her.
   "Hello there Candy, my name's Candice." She smiled kindly at Candy and Candy beamed brightly,  she watched as her brother wandered over to a comic book display and Candice gave her a sympathetic smile.

  "My name is Candice too!" Candy reasoned and the girl feigned surprise.
  "What a complete coincidence." She smiled before she looked at her mama who was adamantly talking with that man Candy had no idea where he came from or who he was. "Your mama ignoring you again?" She whispered softly and Candy pouts looking down at her rainbow sneakers.

  "Nobody wants Candy around." She whimpers rubbing her eyes with her little fists. Candice clenches her jaw as she scoots closer and begins unbuckling the toddler.
   "Candy how would you like to come to my time?" She questioned softly and Candy's eyes widened considerably.

   "You back to the future?" Her tone was awed and Candice smiled at her antics and nodded. "Yah let's go!" She cheered and the girl scooped her up and walked away a couple paces around the corner and in a flash they evaporated.

  Candice removed her headset placing it back in the booth of her machine when Candy looked around the laboratory in awe.
   "Whoa!" She whispered running her little hands over the shiny inventions and tools. "What does this do?" She pointed to the glass box with a big red button attached to it.

  "Glad you asked Candy my friend because this device is one of my first inventions,  it took like 300 prototypes but that's in the past..." seeing the toddler's bored expression she quickly continued. "Anyways see you just drop something into this so.." she removed her hair tie and dropped it into the box before she sealed it shut and pressed the button. Candy's eyes lit up when the machine flashed twice and then there was five or more hair ties in the box.

  "What about that one!" She pointed to a thing that looked slightly similar to a microwave and Candice grinned walking over to her.
  "Well Candy this invention is called the freezo... do you know why?" She asked softly and Candy shook her head bouncing in excitement. 
   "No why?" She asked in heaven with seeing all these new inventions.
  "Well have you ever left ice cream out for too long? Or maybe you needed to make something but it required you to put it in the fridge to chill...but you don't have any time for that? Well that's where the freezo comes in, you can chill, freeze, refrigerate, or ice something in a matter of minutes...observe." she held up a water bottle, shaking it to show the child who was positively glowing with excitement.  She popped it into the freezo, hit thirty seconds and then waited.

  She couldn't stop her smile when Candy started counting down from 30. When the machine beeped she pulled the now solid water bottle from the freezo and handed it to the three year old.
  "Wow you're really smart!" The girl whispered, just as an intercom system crackled in the corner bringing a timid voice to life.
"Uh ms. Darren your mothers are here to see you." It was her assistant.  Candice crossed the threshold of her laboratory and clicked the green button to reply to her friend and assistant.
   "Jewels will you tell them I'm not taking any visitors at the moment please and thank you." She turned from the monitor as the child approached head tilted in concern.
  "How come you won't let your mommies come in?" She questioned her big eyes widening in confusion.
   "Ah well you see Candy... they are well.." she rubs the back of her neck anxiously just as the intercom comes to life once more.

  "Uh... um...Cand I totally would tell them that...for sure, for she  but ah... the small pink one is threatening me and says you've been avoiding their calls and such for a month or so. I'm slightly terrified" Her friend exclaimed through the intercom system. Candice groaned slamming her finger against the green button once more.

  "Tell them my research is highly toxic to anyone who enters." She whispered before she turned to the little girl.
   "Candy when I said slightly terrified, I mean your mom is freaking scary and I am scared to  say this...please don't make me." She whispered fearfully.

  "Jewels you'll be fine, toughen up!" She exclaimed sharply as she pressed the button.
   "Easy for you to say, you're behind a freaking metal sealed door!" She whined but went away thankfully.

  "Why are you lying?" Candy whispered and Candice  whirled around, she sighed at Candy's stern little expression. She ran a hand through her hair, dropping down in front of the little girl,  she sat cross legged and put her hands on her shoulders.

  "Look Candy, you know how I said I was from the future..." she asked and Candy nodded brightly and Candice took a deep breath. "Well kid, I'm are me...and well if our beloved mothers see you here with won't end well... it will be worse than the time with Buck." She shuddered and Candy frowned.
  "Who's Buck ?" She questioned curiously an Candice grinned brightly.
   "You'll find out when you're older." She promised and Candy nodded.

  "Hey you can't touch that!" Jewel's voice exclaimed from the intercom and both Candys shared a look of confusion before the intercom system crackled to life with a completely different voice.
  "Candice Gina Darren, I don't care what you are doing, you either come out to us or we're coming to you!" Their mama yelled and Candice cursed.

  "Shit Candy we have to get you home...and quick." She exclaimed and Candy frowned up at her older self.
  "That's a naughty word." She whispered and Candice face palmed
  "Sorry forgot how much of a swear police I was back then." She apologizes as she gently guided the toddler towards the machine they'd came through.  "If we hurry then they'll just miss us." She whispered as she put Candy on her hip and began typing buttons...Unfortunately instead of coming back ten minutes later she accidentally in her haste clicked ten hours.

To Be Continued

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To Be Continued...

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