Chapter 4: Lost My Mind

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"Are you alright Suki?" Yuri tilts her head at me and I am freaking out. Yeah I'll admit it, I'm freaking out, because Yuri looks older, I'm laying in the front yard of someone's house and Yuri just gave me a nickname, Yuri of all people! What was going on? What the hell was going on?

Miss C, was she real? Where am I? Yuri leans down close to me and I feel claustrophobic. A million questions are swimming through my mind, and so I start blurting them out in a panic.

"Why are you dressed like that? Where are we? What's going on? How'd I get here? Who's house is this?" I was gonna ask why she looked so old, but I feel as though she wouldn't handle that question very well. Her violet colored eyes widened in concern as she knelt closer to me.

"Oh no what's the last thing you remember darling?" She helps me sit up, carefully cradling me in her arms. I feel like I need to throw up. My head feels like my brain is trying to judo kick it's way out of my skull.

"This is all your imagination Natsuki, this isn't real, none of this is real. Not real, not real. Imagination, this is all your imagination. Not real, it's not real!" A gentle hand caresses my cheek, I cautiously open my eyes, only to scream at older Yuri still kneeling in front of me. I scramble away from her touch. This is insane!
"Natsuki what's the matter?" She questions gently. Also since when does Yuri talk this much? I've never heard her talk like this!

"Where am I ?!" I shrilly question as I stumble to my feet. Yuri holds out her arms as if she's trying to steady me and I step back. I need to get out of here. This is all so incredibly crazy.

  "Alright I think it would be best if we got you to a doctor as soon as humanly possible." I blink in confusion as her arm wraps tightly across my back and she swoops down and ....and she picks me up bridal style. "You hit your head harder than I thought. " she murmurs under her breath.

My mind won't connect to my body though and before I know it I'm being buckled into a strange vehicle I don't recognize.  If I'm being honest  nothing felt familiar,  except Yuri, so  maybe that's why I was letting her touch me and talk to me.

  "Alright thanks, we'll be home soon." Yuri ended her phone call and climbed into the car, putting her phone in the cupholder and pulling her keys from her pocket.
   "What's going on Yuri is this you and that miss C or whatevers crazy plot to kidnap me?" I demand even though I know I sound crazy. Yuri starts the car and gives me a look of concern.

  "Uhh okay sure..." she looks away awkwardly as she switches gears obviously trying to pacify me. But I wasn't crazy, this was probably some elaborate joke...right?

Yuri nkeeps glancing at me in concern and anxiousness. I keep feeling the gigantic bump on my head and cringing. A door wouldn't cause this big of a bump right?
  "Suki love, we're here..." I blink looking over at Yuri who's opened the passenger door.  I cross my arms and look away.
   "I don't need to see a doctor!" I snap harshly and Yuri shrugged leaning against the car eyeing me patiently. I winced when my injury twinges with pain.  Yuri smirks at me and I begrudgingly slide from the car and slam the door with a huff.  Yuri wasn't usually this confident and smug.

  As we waited in the ER waiting room I glared at my shoes,  trying to ignore the pounding that was throbbing through my forehead. What the hell, I was so gonna kill that jock whenever I got out of this stupid place. 
   "Mrs. Darren?" I frowned when Yuri stood, so I'm guessing she just said her name, or what's happening? Yuri looks down at me in concern before she takes my hand and gently helps me to my feet.

  The brightly dressed nurse led us to a little hospital room, smiled and then disappeared with promises of a doctor coming shortly.
  "Why'd she say Mrs Darren?" I question and Yuri looks away, biting her lower lip sadly as she helped me jump up on the examination table.
  "The doctor will be here soon Suki. Hopefully we can see what's going on with you." She smiles and we both look to the curtain at the sound of peppy footsteps.

   "Hello there Mrs Darren and Mrs Darren what seems to be the problem here?" I look up sharply at the sound of that voice.

   "Hello there Mrs Darren and Mrs Darren what seems to be the problem here?" I look up sharply at the sound of that voice

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  "Miss C!" I growl lowly and she smirks smugly at me before she pulls out her clipboard and smiles at Yuri.
   "Doctor C Ace." She corrects me, but I know that it's her. Those magenta eyes and purple hair were not a common thing. "Now what is going on here?"

   "Well my wife was playing baseball with our son and he accidentally threw the aforementioned baseball at her head, she blacked out and she's been having memory problems ever since." Yuri explained and I jumped from the examination table.
  "Wife? Son? What? What are you talking about Yuri!?" I demand and Miss C taps her pen against her temple with a smirk.  Yuri looks stricken.
   "Suki, we've been married for almost twenty years..." she whispered gently.

  "T-twen-twent...y.. years?" I stutter then my world goes black as the pressure and my injury mix with my shock and it all becomes too much. 

  "What a strange turn of events. "

To be Continued....

There's chapter 4, and so now you're getting a feel for the story and how it's gonna go, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!! 😉😉

You guys are all too smart and half probably already know who Miss C really is, but I hope you enjoy her anyways.

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