Chapter 7: Damn Y'all Are Old

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Oh my God,  they looked friends...I mean club mates. They looked like actual adults and I felt like I was going crazy.

Sayori's hair was longer, and she was dressed more professionally, but her bright blue eyes and kind smile gave her away.  Monika's hair must be shorter because I don't know how she would shove all that hair into a bun that small. Though she looked similar to her eighteen year old self.

Sayori smiled at me as she entered an annoyed teen following after face buried in her phone. The teen had Sayori's hair color and when she looked up slightly to avoid running into things, I saw she had Monika's eyes.
  "Rosie please put the phone away." Sayori  chided gently and the girl rolled her eyes bitterly. 

  "I'm texting my friends ma!" She exclaimed sharply,  then Monika entered rolling her eyes she lifted the phone from the girl's hands with one swipe and shook her head.
   "And now you're not." Monika deadpanned and she groaned heavily.
   "Aww did Naomi not come with you?" Lin asked as two tall boys with brown hair and blue eyes came into the house and shut the door.

  "Unfortunately she's out with her boyfriend Rory." Monika grumbled with a roll of her eyes. Meanwhile I'm completely out of the loop, who's Naomi? Who's Rory? Everyone's so old! I'm so so confused. My brain feels like it's going to explode.

  "Ugh why does she keep dating him?" Lin complained and Monika shrugged.
   "Don't know, must get it from her mama." To my utter shock Sayori's expression darkened considerably. I decided to save Monika from the doghouse as I approached Yuri.

   "Wait Yuri who's Naomi and Rory? What's going on?" I question and Yuri looks over at me as if just realizing I had no idea what was going on.
  "Oh Natsuki sorry, this is Benny and Denny,  they're identical twins, who're sixteen, and monika and Sayori's baby Rosie who's about to be thirteen in a few months... Naomi's their oldest who's dating a boy named Rory. " Yuri explained to me gently and Monika and Sayori shared a look of concern.

  "Eh...I'm sorry what?" Sayori questioned looking so confused.
   "Why are you introducing our children to Natsuki?" Monika adds looking between Yuri and myself  a few times, trying to figure out what we were doing, or what was happening.

   "I am so sorry I was going to call you,  but everything was so crazy and I had to get her meds and..." Yuri was struggling to find the words I could tell as she wrung her hands and twirled her wedding ring anxiously. Great now I'm able to tell what Yuri's feeling. I've been around her too long. Damn Miss C and her meddling.

  "Mama has amnesia." Candy whispered tugging on Sayori's skirt. Seemingly coming out of nowhere. 
  "What?!" Sayori questioned looking up at us in alarm. Yuri sighed picking the little girl up and looked at me, but I don't know what she wanted from me. I told her kids.

  "Well Natsuki and Harry were playing baseball, I guess he threw the ball too hard,  knocked her out, she hit her head hard enough...she doesn't remember anything..." Yuri sighed biting her lip as tears started to make her eyes glisten. Sayori wrapped an arm across her shoulders and lead her somewhere else in the house.

  "So what do you remember?" Monika asked me plopping down on the couch with a  sigh.
   "Ugh I'm so sick of saying the same thing...I remember being eighteen,  going to club, fighting with Yuri,  getting hit by a locker door...that's it! Okay I don't know who these kids are or how I got so fucking old, but  here I am!" I snap harshly as I slump next to her on the couch.  To my irritation Monika laughs.
  "Oh yeah you're definitely high school Natsuki. " She chuckles crossing her legs as she leans back.
  "You don't remember anything?" Rosie asks brightly and I frown at the kid.
   "Just said that didn't I?" I growl and she smirks leaning closer.

  "Well before you got amnesia, you owed me 50 bucks.."  she states boldly and I frown. Did I even have a wallet? Money...
   "Rosie." Monika warns giving her a look. Meanwhile I'd found a wallet and inside was a driver's license and fifty bucks. Monika shakes her head at me putting her hand over mine as I started to remove the money.

"Okay, okay it was twenty five dollars.." she tries and Monika chucks a pillow at her.
  "Go comfort your aunt Yuri you hooligan!" She snapped and Rosie sighs.
   "Can I have my phone back?" She questioned with a sweet smile.
   "Get thee hence satan!" Monika chucked another pillow and Rosie sighed heavily.

  "Well can't blame a girl for trying."  She shrugs
  "No but I can ground a girl for being shady and lying." Monika threatened and Rosie scoffed at her dryly before she  disappeared from the room with a turn of her heel and an annoyed huff.

Upon her fast exit I realized that Yuri's kids sure had ran off fast. I look around noticing only Darcy is still sitting on the couch.
   "Look you think you're old now Nat, well when Candy graduates high school you'll be fifty eight." Monika chuckles at her own lame attempt at a joke and I sigh closing my eyes as I fall back against the couch with a sigh.

" Hey I'm sorry you don't remember anything.  It must suck to think you're a eighteen year old with five kids and a wife."  Monika chuckles with a wide smile. It's weird how casual she's being with me and I wonder if her and older me are actually friends.

NO! Stop it, you can't afford to have friends, not even alternate dimension friends. People disappoint you and hurt you...if you isolate yourself then you can't be hurt by people.  Sure you'll be alone with nobody, but I just can't take that risk.

  "Stop we're not friends." I growl standing as I start for the front door,  which was basically the only part of the house I knew, because I'd walked through it and seen people walk through it.

  "Whoa wait a second Nat, I'm not letting you go like this!" Monika jumps up and glides in front of me, blocking my route to my escape.  "And we are friends, you may not remember it being your angsty teen self, but we became friends a long time ago. "

  "In this fake future timeline...gee what great news! Not, move Monika." I tried to duck around her but she kept blocking my every move.

  "Mama why are you being mean to Monika?" Darcy sniffed tearfully and I cringed. Tears usually resulted in hugs. However Darcy ran to Monika and wrapped her arms around her waist and sobbed.
   "What's going on in here?"

Oh no Yuri's back.

To Be Continued...

I hope you enjoy my attempts at drawing an older Monika and Sayori. Sorry I've taken a bit to get this chapter out, my mind was a buzz with all these ideas and I had to sort them all out 😉 thanks for  reading



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