Chapter 9: I'm Not a Mom!

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A/N: I dont own the picture up top, that belongs to
#DDLC on Twitter

  I was all warm, warm and comfortable.  Very comfortable.  I don't ever remember feeling this way. Like I'm safe.  Like nothing could ever get to me. Older me and Yuri must have a really nice bed. My bed back in my time is all lumpy and old, doesn't even have sheets on it, but that's to be expected when your mom's a scumbucket "saleswoman" and your dad's an alcoholic who tries to sale vaccumes door to door.

   There was no money for anything,  except my mother's pot and my dad's booze. I clenched my eyes, damn it why was I thinking about them, they're ruining my comfort. That's at least one good thing about this whole situation...

They're not here. I'm free from them and their rules and scrutiny.  I clench my jaw so I don't cry. Crying is a weakness I can't afford to show. 
  Suddenly I feel a warm hand work through my hair, it feels nice,  comforting even. My tension leaves my body and I snuggle in further, relishing in the warmth. I'd never felt comfort before. Nobody had ever cared about my needs or feelings. I was just a burden to all I came in contact with.  So yeah pretending to be asleep and receiving comfort may make me pathetic, but it was nice.

I don't just throw around that kind of word, my life is anything but nice.  So when I say something like it, you better believe it's the truth.

Bum bum
   Bum bum bum

  Was that another heartbeat? No way.... I was not laying on Yuri... was I? Should I open my eyes and look? I did not need something this awkward this early in the morning.  I really didn't.  I start to try and roll over and out of there when an arm wraps around my back and pulls me closer.

  "Mmm stop moving Suki..." Yuri grumbles her voice is thick with sleep and I now know I freaking lost the bet. Here I was basically on top of Yuri,  my wall of no physical contact dismantled and who knows where, probably on the floor or kicked to the end of the bed.

  "Y-yuri..." I whisper uncomfortably and she whines pitifully and strokes the side of my face sleepily.
  "Shhhh go sleep....too early..."

  "But-" she strokes my face again.
  "Shhh ...sleep baby..." she whimpers pulling me completely on top of her, I cautiously open my eyes, my cheek is pressed against Yuri's neck. Oh boy, this was so awkward.  Yuri called me clingy. Ha!

My eyes began to grow heavy again as Yuri's heartbeat drummed against my ear and soothed me into a sense of peace once more.


Bang bang bang
Thump thump thump

  "Mommy, mama I'm hungry, I'm's seven o'clock,  Lin said so before she told me to go away. "  a small voice called through the door.
   "You lost Suki...go make breakfast..." Yuri slurred nudging me away.
   "Nooo, you snuggled me first." I argued because I most certainly was not a mom and I refused to make these kids, that were Yuri's breakfast...especially so early in the morning.

  "Not true, you're the one who rolled over your dumb wall." She whispered and I rolled off of her.
   "No way, they're your kids!" I exclaim in exhaustion because I did not get up before ten am, unless school was involved then I didn't get up till like twenty minutes before school started...we lived so close to school anyways.

   "Whatever, you lost" she turns away from me and another knock sounds against the door. I groan forcing myself to sit up. This was unfair.  The door slowly creaks open and Candy and Harry are standing in the doorway.  Candy was wearing pink bunny printed footy pajamas and Harry was in  yellow and blue striped pajamas.
   "I hafta get ready for school." He lisped annoyingly adorable like.

  "Alright, alright I'm up..." I complain rubbing my eyes as I  stumble from the bed and over to the two kids.
  "Lin, RJ and Darcy have school too.." he added helpfully as he bounced in place.  Yup definitely not my kid. I groan, wonderful how was I supposed to wake two moody teenagers? 

Ugh this day is already off to a fan freaking tastic start.

These were Yuri's kids, yet why'd I feel compelled to help them with whatever they wanted or needed.

  Maybe because I knew what it felt like to have to do everything myself and never having anyone to depend on, but myself.

  Waking RJ turned out to be suprisingly easy, Adaline or Lin or whatever she wanted to be called was a completely different story entirely. I tried to wake her five freaking times.  In between that time I managed to get Harry and Candy dressed and fixed their hair ,  and start on breakfast, before I remembered there was another child and quickly raced upstairs to wake Darcy and attempt to wake the bear for the now sixth time.

  After helping Darcy pick out an outfit, I returned down to the kitchen and finished breakfast. Just a simple French toast recipe I knew and scrambled some eggs.

  "Yummy yummy this breakfast will be delicious in my tummy!" Harry sang as he swung his legs and stuffed his face.
   "Mama never make breakfast. " Candy whispered looking over at me intently.

  "She just means cause you're always busy working and going on work trips you're never home." Darcy piped up chewing her breakfast thoughtfully.

  Wait so I'm some workaholic or maybe the kids were exaggerating....

   "What smells so good down here?" Finally Lin emerged from her tomb and joined the land of the living.
   "French toast! Mama made it!" Darcy proclaimed enthusiastically holding up a forkful of the syrupy bread, making it drip onto the table.

  "Oh, I'm not that hungry." Lin growls grabbing a banana and stormed back from hence she came.
   "She's not a morning person." RJ whispered gently as he kissed my cheek and sat down with a triple stacked plate.

I'm not a mom, what the hell was going on here!? I'm slowly morphing into a housewife and I...

Kind of like it.

That's it I've officially lost it, there's no other explanation.

  "Suki did you cook?"

Ahhhhhh make it all stop...okay...not all the way....but just I dunno slow this all down a minute.

Please? Yuri pecked my head and stole a plate.

  Mmmmm what is this feeling?!

I'm physically combusting...

  "Can mama drive us to school?!"

  "No fucking way!" I snap because I have to draw the line somewhere right?

  "Language,  and Lin is driving you guys." 

  "No fucking way!" Lin proclaimed and I smirked okay so maybe they were kind of my kids.

To Be Continued...

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