Chapter 24: Going Back

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  I carefully kept Candy on my hip and we all began our trek into the park to watch Harry's baseball game. I was filled with a sense of pride for the kid,  he was fairly good at the sport. Yuri held Darcy's hand while her other one was intertwined with my own hand. It had only been three days since the whole mall debacle,  but finally things were starting to wind down and Yuri was less panicky.

   Though she kept fussing over Candy, Harry and myself, even though I don't have amnesia thank you very much.

Candy reached out for Yuri when we were nearly to the field so I graciously handed her over.

  "HEADSUP! LOOK OUT!" I turn towards the noise.

Something connects with my face

"NATSUKI!" Yuri screams

All goes black in an instant.


Older Natsuki's POV:

  "I really appreciate your guys' concern, but I've had worse. You really shouldn't worry so much." I tried to reassure my young friends as we walked into schools bit earlier than usual that day.
  "Worse? When did you have something worse?!" Sayori questioned frantically and I groaned apparently that was the wrong thing to say.

  "Forget I said anything." I try as I turn from them and it's Yuri who grabs my wrist tugging me backwards.
    "Natsuki we're your friends...and as your friends we love and care for you and want to know if you're okay." Her big violet eyes are sparkling and I try to think of something to change the subject or get away...something and so I force a smile.

  "Thanks I really appreciate it... wait I forgot my book in my locker," don't ask what book that is because I'm totally bullshitting my way out of this conversation.  I turn starting to race down the hallway.

  "No running in the halls ms Natsuki!" The principal calls out and I look to him then suddenly bang something smacks into my face full force.

I hit the floor and my world goes black.


Older Natsuki's POV:

  "Why does this keep happening to me?" I question with a groan of pain. My vision is blurry but...wait when did I get on grass? Did those eighteen year old versions of my friends and my wife pull me out into the schoolyard?
   "Oh my God her eyes are opening!" Someone exclaimed and I frowned,  did I open my eyes?

  "Ow," I groan as I attempt to keep my eyes open for a bit, but it hurts too bad and everything's blurry so I quickly clench them shut again.
   "Shhh, shhh it's alright Suki,  we're going to get you to a hospital as soon as possible." A hand strokes the side of my face and I freeze.

  Did young Yuri start calling me Suki? When did that happen? I force my eyes open, breathing deeply as I reach for her. Cool hands curl around my hand and press it up against her cheek. My vision went in and out of focus but we were definitely outside I could feel the sun against my skin and a slight breeze stroke through my hair.
  "Y-yuri?" I whisper which was stupid because there was a Yuri in both time periods. I feel her nod against my hand.
   "That's right my love, Lin's calling an ambulance right now, okay it's gonna be's gonna be okay." I force myself to open my eyes fully and when I see my wife, I'm overcome with love and devotion. I throw myself at her, and am rewarded with a squeak of surprise from her as I begin kissing her,  every part of her I can find.

   "I love you,  I love you so much Ri-Ri!" I sob collapsing against her chest in pure relief. 
     "I love you too Suki," she whispers sitting up carefully cradling me in her arms.

  "Is mama dead?" Hearing Harry's little voice I break from Yuri and wrap him in a tight hug. I swayed slightly because I did just get hit in the face still...well head.
  "Suki please be careful." Yuri's hands steady me and I flash her a content smile.

       "I'm fine Yuri,  I'm great!" I exclaim loudly only to fall to the side when my head spins. But Yuri catches me and Harry grabs my coat trying to help.
  "Even still, let's just stay on the ground okay?" She whispers kissing my head as she lowers me to the ground resting in her lap.

  "I got ice!" Darcy exclaimed racing over waving a bag of ice, Candy was running behind her holding a Gatorade in her little arms.
  "Yeah we coming!" Candy pipes up brightly and I felt my eyes sting with tears. My babies.

  Then RJ and Lin kneel next to me carefully.
    "The ambulance should be here soon." My oldest child informed us quickly.
    "Thank you sweetheart. " Yuri whispers and I allow my eyes to slip closed, I'm just so relieved to be home.


  Ow ow ow ow ow, why was this happening again? Ugh my head, I was gonna get brain damage at this rate.
  "Do you ever watch where you're opening your locker?!" A sharp voice hissed and I groaned. What the hell?!
   "Owww!" I complain bitterly as I go to rub my forehead when a hand clamps down on my wrist.
   "Don't rub it, you'll irritate it more!" A frantic voice exclaimed and I clenched my eyes in pain before I forced them open.
    "Yuri?" I whisper hesitantly and then I see her, the eighteen year old Yuri. Her eyes are shining with concern, and she is still holding onto my wrist.

  "That's right it's me, are you alright? How do you feel? Your head is swelling we should probably get you to the nurse-"

Without a moment of hesitation I surged forward and kissed her, right on the lips, there was no Miss C, no Candy,  no one could stop me. Yuri squeaked in surprise but then to my absolute delight she kissed me back, her hands curl into my hair.

  "As sweet as this is we should get Natsuki to a doctor. " Sayori exclaims in concern and I smile wryly at Yuri who looks to Sayori and nods her agreement.
  "Suki can you walk?" Hearing the nickname my insides turn to mush and I shake my head because I'm too weak in the knees. My head is spinning slightly too.

  Without another thought Yuri hooks an arm under my knees and across my shoulders and lifts me up into her arms effortlessly. How is a bookworm like her so muscular?

  "You're an even better kisser than I imagined." I whisper against her neck, making her go beat red and stumble slightly.

  "W-what?!" She exclaimed and Monika laughed.
   "It's about damn time!"

To Be Concluded...

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